You can go to Posts > Categories and hover your mouse to the category you want to edit and click on the Edit option. The only difference is there isn't any in-built WordPress functions to get the information you need, but you can … Using Plugin to Hide Page Titles in WordPress. WordPress allows you to display older blog posts in a number of ways. I do not recommend to use plugins for these purposes if possible. Login to your WordPress dashboard and find the WordPress category ID of the category you would like to exclude. Hide Title| Download . Go to the admin dashboard. In addition, from the Show, All Category drop-down menu select which categories to hide or display. Step #3: Hide WordPress pages, posts, or categories. You can modify CSS to remove the page title in WordPress. Most likely our least-known WordPress plugin, WP Hide Post does exactly what it says: It hides posts from the blog. How to create WordPress categories. A properly optimized WordPress theme will show the category of a post in the breadcrumb, like the example below. Find the category name you wish to change and click Edit. In order to exclude a category from displaying on your blog page or homepage, manually take these 2 big steps: Step 1: Get the category ID. So, if you want to make the Category whose ID number is 6 look different from what it is currently (and different from other Category pages), you would want to create a category-6.php file. Edit WordPress Categories. Another quick way to remove category from your URLs is to use the Yoast SEO plugin. Click enter to save the category. WordPress has built-in support for these archive pages, however there are some small drawbacks. In every WordPress Post, there are many instances when you want to remove and change the name of the author. Archive pages begin to get more important as you add more posts, pages, and content to your WordPress powered website. With Custom CSS you can hide titles for all posts and pages. Elementor lets you hide the page title. Click on the Screen Options and find the Number of items per page option. WordPress is a very versatile program, allowing you to create different types of sites. Fill in the category name, its slug (will be used in the category URLs), the category description and then press Add New Category. This is just one of my many attempts to remove a story from my feed where Facebook’s interface refuses to fulfill the “Remove” command. Below are some common examples of querying Categories and Tags with WPGraphQL. Method 3: Hide Author Name From WordPress Posts by Creating a Generic Author Name for Your Blog Posts This is another alternative to hiding the author's name in WordPress posts. Of course, these posts are still visible if you navigate there directly. On the date format section, select Custom and delete whatever is there and click on Save Changes. Go … The wp_terms table stores categories for both posts and pages and tags for posts. These archive pages can be based on taxonomies, categories, custom post types and even dates. WordPress allows you to display older blog posts in a number of ways. Step 2: Click on Post Option then scroll down where you will see “Tags list after the post”. Real quick do you have any advice or resources on how to change the layout of the single product page? Follow the below steps, 1. First, you will need to find the id for a category name. It is a great plugin to show biography widget in WordPress. Edit through the WordPress theme editor located at Appearance > Editor > functions.php and add this functions to the end of the file. Finnish localization. This WordPress plugin has definitely earned a good name and reputation. You'll note that some cleanup is done at the end to ensure there are no duplicate category keys in the array. And you can use it to hide page and post title with a single click. Step 2 – Pick Menu Items To Remove. Hide WooCommerce Product Using Options. With this method, the date from WordPress post will be removed easily. So, if you want to display the most recent posts from a particular category; you just name it. Once added, you’ll see the new category listed on the right-hand side of the category display. The category_name parameter uses the category slug, not the name (confusing, I know!). In the post edit screen, navigate towards the top right corner and click on the screen options menu of the screen. Lists of Categories. Of course, by "normally," I do mean using the new WordPress editor. It doesn’t matter whether you are using WordPress for blogs, business, or for whatever purpose, you’ll probably write posts to promote … The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Conditional Tags. menu should be available in the right sidebar. WooCommerce by default comes with an excellent option that allows users to control the visibility of a product. Incidentally, the ability to read a post is the lowest level capability within WordPress. Also know that WordPress serializes the array before placing it in the database. There are three options in a drop-down – show products, show categories, show categories and products. You can choose the display option on the Shop page here. Using s2Member, you can restrict access to your posts, pages, categories, tags, downloadable files, forums, and other files to just your registered users. Modifying CSS. Use this method ONLY if you are sure you want to hide all titles across the entire website! Simply login to your WordPress backend or admin area, navigate to plugins and click on ‘add plugins’. Next, Install the plugin and click on the activation button. These multiple choice question of WordPress CMS will help students of Management and technology fields for exam preparation. This depends on the theme you are using but in the majority of cases a post page and a category page have similar layout. Moreover, category archive pages are considered a “low-quality page” as it doesn’t add any value in … Categories and Tags are built-in post types in WordPress, and WPGraphQL supports querying them out of the box. From a search engine perspective, Google is much more interested in your content (posts). Go and search Hide Featured Image plugin. 1. Keep in mind that this technique requires manual editing — a single page/post at a time. Here, under Writing Settings, navigate to Default Post Category and select the default category from the drop-down list. Once logged in, also list down the name of WordPress theme you are using by navigating to the Appearance > Themes node. Then go back “Users” and click on “All Users” then click on “Edit” next to the new username you just created. Therefore, it applies to every user level – not just subscribers. If you want to hide an entire category from your home page, you can do this using the WP Hide Post plugin discussed above or you can manually add a bit of code into your theme’s functions.php file to enact the same effect. WP Hide Post. You are brought to the Reading Settings page. Find All Posts by Category. Thankfully, if you are not keen with coding and want a stress-free fix, our themes have been developed with an on-off switch for post meta data. To unpublish the post: Click the blue Edit link. 2. The above would query posts in category 12 but not in category 13. Our goal is to display posts by the category on a page. … One of the most common requests is how to hide or remove the WordPress Toolbar. Category Post Widget is the third in my referral list and has attained more than 90,000 active installations. A WordPress sidebar is a vertical column that’s placed on either the right or left side of your main content area. As I mentioned above, WordPress categories are useful for structuring your blog. Custom design a global footer or only apply the custom Footer to a single page or post. In WordPress 5.5, a new feature is being introduced that adds basic, extensible Extensible This is the ability to add additional functionality to the code. That is, if you do not have a category-slug.php (lets say category-news.php), WordPress will check for a category-ID.php (like category-6.php ), and so on. This method requires you to add code to your WordPress theme’s functions.php file. You can also create more than one WordPress menu and can add the same on your site. Fixes excluding tags when using category name (should fix other issues with category name too since there was a bug there). Now the WordPress Hello World is really gone from your WordPress website. In this section, On the left side of the page, you will see a tab that allows you to create categories. Select the theme you’re using from the dropdown menu and locate functions.php file to exclude category from blog page. In this post I will share a code snippet which allows you to add Post categories to Pages. One such plugin is Title Remover. However adding categories and tags to Pages is quite simple. There are conditional tags for different areas of your website such as your home page, blog posts and pages. add_action('admin_menu', 'ft_remove_metaboxes'); The remove_meta_box () WordPress Use the code snippet above to completely remove the Category/Tag Meta Box from the WordPress Post Editor screen. 10. But the main thing you have to remember is that they are exactly the same as the normal posts you get in WordPress. If you want to hide the title of all pages and posts, you can do so by modifying your theme’s stylesheet (style.css file). 1 year, 11 months ago. So I'm going to rename 'Posts' in the admin menu to 'News'. The category_name Parameter. Method 1: Manually Remove Author Name from WordPress Posts Your WordPress theme decides when and how to display the author name in your blog posts. Try that, it should work. All posts added to a specific category can be styled to look different from other posts using custom CSS code. Because of the easy-to-use nature of the platform, deactivating and disabling widgets in WordPress is as easy as adding them.. Continue reading to learn more about: Thanks nuss for the Pull Request! You can do the same with the About page if you want too, just go into Pages -> All pages. Unfortunately, WordPress does not provide lots of options when it comes to displaying category or related posts. If you’re not familiar, custom post types are a lot like a regular WordPress post, only you can use them to store whatever type of content you want (i.e. In this example, the post in question’s ID is 2279. Now, add your theme’s selector for the title, and the hide title functionality should now work. 3. In this post, I’ll explain to you how you can use these archive pages in a better way and ensure they actually add value to your blog. post-name Will be your post name/title. A client of mine asked me to hide/remove prices from the shop page and category pages as she wanted to drive more customers to the single product pages (i.e. The problem is that, by default, when you display a category archive, the category archive title is displayed and it looks like: Category Archive: “Name of Category” This is typically hideous and makes a website look less appealing. Removing categories from the homepage can sometimes turn out to be quite a frustrating act for beginners, so here’s the easy way to do it. Just to recap, we created a custom post type called Podcast, and a custom taxonomy — Podcast Category. Beyond checking for the read capability, we’re also displaying the user’s first name … Head on over to ‘Posts’ -> ‘Categories’ (or ‘Tags’) via the WordPress admin panel and click on a specific category (or tag) – you should now see a few new settings: Step 4. Add custom image sizes to the list of selectable image sizes in the widget. I found this code in WordPress forum which seems to do exactly what you need: And you’ll find many plugins that can do this job for you. How To Remove Hello World Post in WordPress. After that, go to Settings > General. A WordPress sidebar is a vertical column that’s placed on either the right or left side of your main content area. However adding categories and tags to Pages is quite simple. To hide the category and author in posts, below is our instruction: Firstly, follow the jetpack’s guideline in the Blog article on how to use Edit CSS here. Obviously, you need to write a code for it. To assign a category, here's what you must do: Create your Page as you normally would. Hello,I only want to remove the author name from the full blog and the single posts, but category and date should still be displayed. Category pages may share the same template as your posts and the same sidebar or widgets. The last step is creating a pre_get_posts action function to prevent posts in the selected categories from displaying in the main loop: Most of the time, author and date are prominent, and categories and tags show up pretty often, too. Here, I use the Sample Page. Again, you can use it with a single category or with a string of categories to find posts … Now, instead of using the plugin to manually hide each and every post or page, you just have to add the post to the selected category, and WordPress will work out the rest. For a more efficient way, use the next method. Click on the tab permalinks at the top. These pages give your readers a way to view all the posts on a certain topic or category in one place.. Below is the list of WordPress MCQ with answers updated in 2021. Read How to Find a WordPress Category ID to learn how to find out the category ID. This works for themes that have “h1.entry-title” selector. How to Hide the WordPress Admin Bar. How Do I Know What Class Name My Theme Is Using For the H1 Title? How to Hide the Header on Specific Pages in WordPress Posted on Updated on December 13, 2020. 9. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Editor, you will open the current theme files editor. Category shown in breadcrumb menu. Category archives can be displayed using the category.php template and tag archives can be displayed using the tag.php template. As usual, a simple PHP snippet does the trick. So you see it’s very simple, don’t think there is something wrong with your WordPress blog when this happens, it’s by design. Step 3: Just click on the button on the left to hide the tags. WordPress lets you block all search engines from indexing your content. However, they won’t show up in RSS feeds or on the main index page of blog posts. s2Member is another lightweight WordPress plugin that allows content restriction. They can easily find the desired content with the help of simple and clear category name. wordpress automatic plugin can import form Envato markets like ThemeFores, CodeCanyon, VideoHive, AudioJungle,GraphicRiver and 3dOcean items to wordpress automatically by keyword , author, tag or category so it can post themes,plugins,html files,psd, audio and more . If the post/page is live, the Status will read “Published.”. Themes use multiple approaches to do that which makes it harder for a plugin to provide a generic solution for removing author names. Archive pages include category pages, tag pages, date archives, etc. Once you save changes, all posts that are part of that particular category will no longer appear on the homepage. In this guide, we will discover 3 ways you can display articles from the Podcast post type on your website. Go to Yoast SEO. It is not that difficult to hide page or post titles in WordPress if you know about the myriad of options that you have. Here is what we will be doing: We will link Category and Tag Taxonomy to the Page. If your WP theme does not allow you to display or hide the prev and next post navigation, you can try to edit your theme file within WordPress dashboard. All you have to do is create a new category or change the name of the category to a new one. wpForo theme has built in multi-layout system. In the previous article in this series, we’ve created a Custom Post Type, it’s learn how you can display it on your website. The easiest way to hide or remove the page title is to use a plugin. For this tutorial, I’m going to use the Hide Title plugin. Using the same CSS as before, instead of adding .page before the code, you’d need to add .post like shown .entry-title { display: none; } Now all your posts won’t display their titles, but normal pages will. This will hide the titles of all pages or posts. By default, most WordPress themes display a set of meta data on published blog posts. Interesting WooCommerce customization here. Yes, you can. Check out the new WordPress Code Reference! WordPress MCQ Questions With Answers. With our theme installed, simply visit the WordPress Theme Options section under Appearance > Theme Options and then navigate to the General tab. This simple method will hide the post from everyone but you. It might include the date the post was created and may not precisely represent the post on your blog page. How to remove the header on product category in Hestia. Thanks for sharing the snippets! WooCommerce Get Product Category. WordPress stores extra information about users in the wp_usermeta table. Whereas date archives use date.php and author archives use author.php. The Core Development Team builds WordPress.. For a more efficient way, use the next method. Keep in mind that this technique requires manual editing — a single page/post at a time. So that's the deal, and in this DigWP post, we round up a ton of tips, tricks, and plugins for ultimately mastering the WordPress Admin Bar. What Is A WordPress Archive Page Summary. To rename a category, you can create a new category and move posts into it, or change the category name. Once you’ve configured the plugin settings, you can hide WordPress pages, posts, and categories. When is a Category a Tag or Tag a Category. parent: Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific parent. How to Hide an Image in a WordPress Post Since doing the April 2015 income report with our Pinterest “study” where we found that, on average, long Pinterest images got 70% more repins that short Pinterest images , we’ve gotten so many requests for a tutorial on creating these long Pinterest-style images and how to hide them in a post. From the expanded menu, click on the Reading option. Modifying CSS. slug: Limit result set to terms with one or more specific slugs. In this section, we will show you how you can hide posts or pages from these specific areas of your WordPress website. In the same Users section, instead of choosing specific authors to edit nickname, we choose Add New to create a totally new user.. We will set this profile as following: Fill in the User Name (required) and Email (required) with anything you want. From here you can edit WP CSS files, php files, function files, etc. This plugin displays a list of the latest post from each category of your WordPress installation. None of these archive templates are essential. Archive Pages. Renaming category is not that difficult as it sounds. You can create a category for pages that you want to hide. For example, You can create a category called “ Hidden ” for the posts that you want to hide from the public. Just assign this category to the posts you want to hide. We will now see how we can hide all the post from a specific category. However, they won’t show up in RSS feeds or on the main index page of blog posts. Here are some menu item removal codes to … Let’s jump in! Both ProfileGrid user blogs and default WordPress blogs can be combined in this list. In this post I will show you how to create an asynchronous AJAX filter by yourself, which allows to filter posts by taxonomy terms, meta values and sort results by publish date. Next, go to your WordPress dashboard, create your page where you want to display posts. 6. wp_terms. Using plugins to hide metadata details is quick and easy. The alternative way to hide the WordPress featured image is by using a plugin. Category is an important feature of WordPress. Some want ecommerce, some want the basic blog, etc. Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total) The topic ‘Hide category name on category pages and on posts’ is closed to new replies. In the previous article in this series, we’ve created a Custom Post Type, it’s learn how you can display it on your website. Navigate to the post you want to unpublish, and locate the Publish meta box on the right side. XML sitemaps functionality into WordPress core Core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. Step 2: Click on the three vertical dots present at the top-right corner of your screen. We will show you two different methods, and you can choose the one that best fits your need. Option 2: Hide the author’s name in chosen posts Step 1: Create a new anonymous author. I never recommend to use CSS to “hide” prices, […] To use one generic name for all of your posts, follow the steps below: 1. Now choose which menu items to remove and insert these lines into the codes above. Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? To find your category ID, follow the steps below: 1 Login to WordPress Dashboard 2 From Posts menu click on Categories 3 Hover over the category you would like to hide 4 At the bottom of the page you can see the URL and ID Building An Advanced Notification System For WordPress. Jacek. It gives you space outside of your primary content area where you can include additional content, navigation menus, and more. Save your new Page. A unique CSS class name in the format “category-xyz” is added to all of the post articles. Category Posts Widget. Add your own links to the WordPress Admin Bar with code (plus a premium plugin that makes it easier) Note, I’ll use the terms WordPress Admin Bar and WordPress Toolbar interchangeably in this post. Without the author name, there is no choice to publish the article in the WordPress. WordPress started as a blogging platform So it’s no wonder blog posts are an essential feature in WordPress. This info can certainly be useful, but there are certain instances where you … Hide Post Meta using our WordPress themes. A common practice in WordPress is to link a navigation or menu to a WordPress category archive. In the self-hosted version of WordPress: Go to Posts > Categories. Follow that link and click on the button called Empty Trash. Of course, these posts are still visible if you navigate there directly. Description: Publishes user blog posts with title and excerpts in chronologically ordered list. In this guide, we will discover 3 ways you can display articles from the Podcast post type on your website. Hide products with the price set to zero in WooCommerce ... taxonomy-category Your taxonomy category. Step 1: From your WordPress Dashboard, go to Posts -> All Posts and then click on Edit for the page you want to duplicate. New Post with the new category is successfully added. First, you have to edit the post or page, where you want author name to be changed in WordPress. Check Strip the category base (usually /category/) from the category URL. This method is one of the easiest methods to remove the date from the WordPress post. Easy Steps to Exclude Category from Blog Page First, let’s log in to WordPress Dashboard using your login credentials. Removing the blog posts page in WordPress Don’t use too many WordPress Tags. You can configure and display different sections of your forum with different layouts and forum will have Hybrid look and feel. Manually Hiding Categories. As we saw, WordPress handles the output of archive information automatically for you even if there is no archive.php file in your theme. Revel in complete command over all aforementioned SEO metadata settings, such as the category/tag archive titles: If the post/page is live, the Status will read “Published.”. WordPress conditional tags are a great feature of WordPress that allows you to control what content is displayed on a page. So using get_terms with a taxonomy value set to categories and hiding empty categories if not used start a foreach loop to run through the categories.