The Costa Rican government frames the question of human trafficking in terms of security and not socio-morals as encouraged by Washington. Costa Rica is a country of origin, transit and final destination for people trafficking. According to the UN refugee agency, by the end of 2019, Costa Rica had taken in 6,217 Nicaraguans as refugees. It is also believed to have the region's most pronounced child-prostitution problem. This is a case study on human trafficking that was conducted on the small Central American country of Costa Rica via a mixed-methods approach which included document review, surveys, and interviews. High profits contribute to human trafficking being an enduring problem. The country is ranked No. They also risk robberies, abuse, extortion, scams, kidnapping, human trafficking and rape. Children also engage in child labor in agriculture. The researcher from the University of Costa Rica (UCR) specialized in migration issues, Carlos Sandoval, believes that police control at the borders creates a fertile scenario for the crime of human trafficking to increase, “especially considering that the Nicaraguan migrants maintain the urgency of coming to Costa Rica to work in the agricultural fields” and that, on the other hand, “the Costa Rican economy requires … Costa Rican women and children are subjected to sex trafficking within the country, with those living in the north and central Pacific coastal zones being particularly vulnerable. Costa Rica is rated Tier-II in the Trafficking in Persons Report The Solution Our holistic residential program has state of the art inhouse facilities for education, life … The cultivation, manufacture, storage, transport, distribution and trafficking of drugs are criminal acts that are all listed together in Article 58 of this law. Human trafficking in Venezuela has increasedtremendously over the years and and alleged victims of trafficking from Venezuela have beenidentified in other countries such as Aruba, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, DominicanRepublic, Ecuador, Greece, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Spain, Suriname, Trinidad andTobago. Regarding Costa Rica, the State Department underscored the historic bilateral ties and that it is one of the strongest and most trusted voices on human rights, democracy, and the rule of law and an important partner in the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking. Their work has uncovered the fact that in the Costa Rican zones of La Cruz in Guanacaste, and Las Tablillas in Alajuela there are criminal organizations dedicated to drug trafficking, smuggling and illicit migrant trafficking. Offenders convicted of human trafficking crimes that result in great bodily injury to the victim Wildlife trafficking – the removal of animals from the wild and selling them on – is a big problem for Costa Rica’s native species. Prosecutors report that there were 23 victims of trafficking in 2014, and 13 of those were sex workers. Trafficking for purposes of sex tourism, prostitution, and pornography are the most common forms of human trafficking in Costa Rica.16 Trafficking is particularly prevalent in urban areas. “Human trafficking,” “trafficking in persons,” and “modern slavery” are umbrella terms used to refer to both sex trafficking and compelled labor. It stands as a medium-high human development and middle-income country. Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for forced labor or commercial sex. ... Costa Rica. Costa Rica carries out nationwide raids on drug-trafficking gang. As a global company with operations in 160 countries, we have the “sphere of influence” to make a significant difference. Marquez was part of an international strike force, including law enforcement officials from Costa Rica, with additional support from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Interpol, that arrested or detained 68 people – 57 in Costa Rica and 11 in Panama. One nation where this human right violation is prominent is Costa Rica. Students and activists participate in candlelight vigil for victims of human trafficking worldwide at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa in 2011. Human Trafficking: Definition and State Department Report Human trafficking is one of the world’s most reprehensible crimes. current situation: Costa Rica is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor; Costa Rican women and children, as well as those from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and other Latin American countries, are sex trafficked in Costa Rica; child sex tourism is a particular problem with offenders coming from the US … The thriving sex trafficking industry in Costa Rica puts thousands of girls and women in danger every year, and the millions of dollars yielded through this exploitation further perpetuates this industry’s growth. Traffickers subject Costa Rican women and children to sex trafficking within the country, with those living in the north and central Pacific coastal zones being particularly vulnerable. Trafficking sex and/or labor are the more commonly thought of forms of human trafficking among public policy leaders and general awareness campaigns. Costa Rica is a transit and destination point for children trafficked for purposes of commercial sexual exploitation, including prostitution. In Modern Bondage: Sex Trafficking in the Americas This report examines key features of trafficking for sexual exploitation in Central America and the Caribbean, covering Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. ... Costa Rica. Global Report on Human Trafficking, in 2006 (the latest figures available), a total of four men and two women were arrested and convicted for trafficking in minors, and it was for the purpose of illegal adoption. With regards to education, Costa Rica presents a value of 8.4 in average years of education. The Rescue One Foundation. In Modern Bondage: Sex Trafficking in the Americas This report examines key features of trafficking for sexual exploitation in Central America and the Caribbean, covering Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. By the A.M. Costa Rica staff The Border Police have reported the arrest of 26 people as suspects of Human Trafficking this year. SAN JOSÉ, Apr 15 2010 (IPS) - The rescue in a Costa Rican port of 36 Asians working as slaves in appalling conditions on two fishing boats once again highlighted the need to fight people trafficking in this Central American country. The Department of Justice served convictions against 184 traffickers in 2014, greatly outweighing the Costa Rican governmental capacity (State Department, 353). They are part of the same reality,” said Vice President of Costa Rica Epsy Campbell Barr during this week's virtual 6th Annual Hemispheric Security Conference (HSC). They also risk robberies, abuse, extortion, scams, kidnapping, human trafficking and rape. The Department’s goal is to assist you in becoming better prosecutors of human trafficking crimes. They are part of the same reality,” said Vice President of Costa Rica Epsy Campbell Barr during this week's virtual 6th Annual Hemispheric Security Conference (HSC). Costa Rica - Detected victims of human trafficking for other purposes, by age and sex (number) - Female - All Area - All age ranges or no breaks by age - Country Data - All products - Mid-point Knoema, an Eldridge business, is the most comprehensive source of global decision-making data in the world. The Costa Rican government has continued to ensure trafficking victims received access to a basic level of... Anti … Figure 1: Bar graph showing a country comparison ratio between the United States and Central American countries on indices of development. Poverty is a huge problem in Costa Rica. Statistics indicate that the average age of victims trafficked into prostitution is twelve.17 According to Casa Alianza, young women and children are most at risk.