Understanding what another person is saying requires paying close attention to what they are expressing. Keep your … The hardest part of trusting someone is that you have to be vulnerable. The closer you are connected to your higher power, the easier it is to hand stuff over. 4. Simplistic as it might seem, simple words of encouragement are powerful things, … Someone who writes an instruction manual does so with purpose. Put It Into Words. The door of healing is opened by the key of love. It might be just what someone needs to believe, keep going, hold on and have greater faith today! I don’t believe God is in control. God has promised that if you believe on His Son, He will save you. They Only seek concrete things and self-fulfillment. My friend said she heard this before and added, “But I cannot believe that a good God wants me to suffer in a … One of the first things they must do is confess to someone they have accepted Jesus as lord and savior of their life. I encourage you today to resolve in your heart that you will believe the promises of God — for healing and for every other blessing your Heavenly Father wants to give you. I really need help. I believe that a life lived well needs a growing and intentional connection with God through Jesus Christ. Continue to gently encourage them to accept Jesus as their Savior. I worry about the future. Encourage one another. “Raise up a child up in the way he should go, & when he is old, he will not depart from it.” I fervently claimed this verse for many years, trusting God to keep His word. Fear has lost it! Non-Christians who are searching for God 2. If you like this…” Since it is God who works in people’s hearts to convince them to believe in Him, we need to ask God for his mercy on those who don’t know him. Yes, the passage even tells us to pay our taxes. Lord Jesus, Your word in John 15:5 makes me understand that You are the vine and I am the branch. Over time, you will discover that you can control the way you think, choosing to focus on some thoughts and to reject others. . How do I encourage people to trust in God? 1:15; 14:2 and Ezek. That’s why you have to have faith.” I was disappointed. The next 10 years of my life had a lot of twists and turns, but one theme stood tall — a burning desire to make sense of heaven, hell, and god. It was my obsession. I started a bible study group at my public high-school. I wrote a book about theology for my senior project. My wifes name is Judy. 43:2). Stress to them the importance of telling someone what they did. What do you want to develop in me because of this? 1. I want to believe in God but I don’t know how. The best way to introduce atheists to your religion is by treating it like you would any social function. He wants the best for you. To believe in God means living before His face in the hidden “Therefore do not fear them. Not Christians One of the biggest mission fields may be the people sitting in your church every week. This is the best way to handle anybody. At times you may find this difficult to do. Refinement? A pastor once said to praise God in your trials for what you believe He will do. When nothing else will work, encourage yourself in the Lord. The desire to be like someone we admire is another powerful motivation. Believe it for yourself also. As I look back over my life, it is hard to believe that I was ‘hooked’ on crack for 23 years. Immerse yourself in his Word. Jesus says, “I am the door. She would tell me, quite candidly, that she was merely praying that God would act upon her concerns. Although God and Bible references are mentioned throughout, I encourage you to look past that if it doesn’t match your belief system, and take the excellent growth and productivity concepts that form the true basis of this great little book. As I prayed 2 years ago, and God listen to my prayers it’s how we met. He is caring, follower of God. My confusion has been cleared. I lack spiritual motivation. 1 | Encourage Them in Their Relationship With the Lord “Encouraging ourselves in the Lord” is the first priority for an encourager. No arm-twisting. 2. The Bible says that God is the “God of hope,” full of mercy and new beginnings (see Romans 15:13). It can be enough… You can trust God completely. Thank you Lord. In other words, whatever people do means nothing to us who believe. Pray too that God will give you opportunities to share your faith with her, and also to encourage her to examine why she has shut God out of her life. I encourage you to put your faith and trust in him. Romans 10:9-10 – “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. It may also help explain why the vast majority of Americans tend to believe in God. Sometimes, God allows us to be hungry so that He can “feed you with manna.”. But the greatest example of all is that of Jesus. So pray for the people around you who aren’t Christians, live the godly life God called you to live before them, make the most ofthe opportunities that come your way and trust that God will use you to bring others into his kingdom. You may need to pull back a bit and trust God to grow your husband into a godly leader. When you speak of your spouse in public, praise him. We must retrain ourselves to get rid of our fears and self-doubt in order to build self-esteem and self-confidence. Well you're free to do that, of course. It proves that we believe that God’s way works. Your actions will reveal your beliefs. Sometimes doubt comes from not wanting to believe—and the reasons for not wanting to believe in God can be many. Faith that God is real and listening. A series of things miraculously happened that drew my son to God, through a Christian young man who my son said was a true example of Christianity. Then James puts belief in perspective: “You believe that there is one God. Reverence and awe for God. When the word of the gospel is believed, it effectively works within us to will and to do God’s good pleasure. Don’t keep your thoughts to yourself and don’t try to handle it by yourself. You can encourage them to listen too. #FREBUBEMUONSO #TestimonyTime #divineremebrance Do you believe in miracle? So, when praying for someone else, don’t be afraid to close your eyes or stop speaking. Most people thn they knw what the bible says but few have actually read it. you dont..beliefe its something thats inside you, and you wouldnt think of the thought that god dont excist..and that person have he`s ore her`s beliefe..and why is it so important to convince someone, let them believe in what they want to believe in. When you get full of faith, the devil gets filled with fear! Just open the door. 11. Encourage other believers with a reminder of Christ’s coming. It redirects our thinking towards an eternal perspective and our ultimate deliverance from the sin and death. We who are still alive and are left will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Remember, the goodness of God draws men to repentance, Romans 2:4 tells us. Salt only realizes its purpose if it gets out of the box and into the food it needs to season. What to Do When Teens say “I don’t believe in God” Too often when adults dialogue with resistant teens about matters of faith, they are guided by their need to be right, rather than to be effective. Use your spiritual authority over the devil’s work. A good passage to use for this is Romans 3:10—12.Let him read these verses. So godly people like Abraham, Noah, Ruth, and Mary motivate us to serve God. Let me first encourage you that the fact that you have the desire to humble yourself and that you’re even reaching out…is proof that God is in fact working in your life and you are growing as a follower of Jesus. Voice your prayers Where there is an answer — eXactly what You need. Someone kneeling right behind them would be beating them on the back, yelling, "Let go, brother, let go." He doesn’t lie to us or forgets about us. You must believe that the other person won’t turn against you, let you down or abandon you. Simple God conversations will … “Encourage one another daily,” warns the author of Hebrews, “so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” (3:13).