$query->set( '... To modify this snippet for your site, all you have to do is copy and paste it into your functions.php and change “5” with the category ID for the category you wish to remove from the WordPress Loop. Default 1. $defaults = $wp_qu... Hide Category in WordPress using Code. After creating a separate category, I needed the content from this category to be displayed separately on the site and not with the regular loop. Here’s what you need to do. Re-add the loop fixes and fixes function missing from last time by Sophist-UK, thanks! In my last post I mentioned how you can use the WordPress tax_query to exclude post-formats from your loops. Add Code To Themes Template Files You could also add the above code to any theme which uses an index file like one of the default WordPress themes. i can reach her by wordpress term_id=1, how can i do this in php? Is there a way to exclude only the 4 posts of “X” category appearing to the first loop, from the second one? Step 1. This loop is using pagination, so users can turn to page 2, 3 etc. WordPress related posts and custom post types loop. Tweak Your WordPress functions.php File. Quickly translate any string. This comment has been minimized. e.g. You’ll need to find the ID of the category that you want to exclude from your WordPress blog page. Just add some query_posts action before the default loop and wp_reset_query immediately after , like this: If you want to removed the posts from certain category to not be displayed in your WordPress homepage then, you have come to the right place. You can exclude multiple categories by adding all the category IDs separated by comma. First of all , you should have an idea about the basic loop of the WordPress which shows the articles. Adam is right. In addition, for pagination to work, you need to have something more like so: set( 'cat', '-5,-3,-10' ) Let’s say I have 100 categories on the site… and I exclude 50 categories using the function above. thank you. Head to Post → Categories in your WordPress dashboard 2. What happens if there are only 5 categories in a post? Most themes use archive.php for However, this method is a bit different and could be complex for some WordPress users. “-3” in this case is the ID of the category, and you can replace that with any category you wish to remove from the loop. One of WordPress’ trademark features is the way it displays all your latest posts when you visit your website’s homepage. Upon activation, you’ll need to go to Settings » Category Excluder … You can create a category by going to “Manage” and then “Categories” in your WordPress Admin page. Exclude first post from loop WordPress. Once activated, you will be able to see a new option to “Exclude from search results” in the post/page edit page. Since WordPress sticky posts feature allow the post checked as sticky in post publish panel to be placed at the top of the front page of posts. If you find something like this then you have to … This messes up the “spacer”. 0.61 WordPress: Loop through Categories and Display Posts Within - gist:6fb2783c05b46a2ba251 ... how can i exclude some category from this loop? For more details, you should follow our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin. Upon activation, you’ll need to go to Settings » Category Excluder page. It will display all the categories that are available on your WordPress blog. From here, you can simply check one or multiple categories under the ‘Exclude from front page’ column. Retrieves the terms in a given taxonomy or list of taxonomies. Accessing the functions.php File. Our Learning Partner. This excludes the categor... Sets up The Loop with query parameters. Expand full source code Collapse full source code. From your functions file function remove_home_category( $query ) { All what you have to do is edit your custom loop to match with this: get_option( 'sticky_posts' ) ) ); if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); ?> so in the site it shows the "ALL" filter, then "General" and then i want to show the rest of the categories. In this method, we are going to make some changes to the WordPress loop. This is a WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and easily exclude categories from your front page, archives, and feeds. if ( $query->is_home() && $query->is_main_query() ) { Tested with WordPress 4.3, updated Widget constructor because of PHP 4 deprecation. By default, WordPress will show every posts of each category in blog page. The second one is implemented with genesis standar loop, showing the latest post οf all categories, including “X”. single_cat_title applied to the category name when used to create a blog page title by the wp_title and single_cat_title functions. No luck with that though, unfortunately. Posted a reply to Exclude Category From Loop, on the site WordPress.org Forums: Actually I had a follow up question if you had any ideas. In this case, though, // it's really just one. 'exclude' New: WPML support Other than the methods mentioned above, by adding a piece of code to WordPress, you can hide a category from the homepage. Well, the count would be 5-50 = -45. global $wp_query; In order to add any of the code above to play with the default WordPress loop, or any other code you may want to try, you have to know how to access the functions.php file on your WordPress website. /** Exclude Specific Categories From The WordPress Loop */ add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'exclude_specific_cats' ); function exclude_specific_cats( $wp_query ) { if( !is_admin() && is_main_query() && is_home() ) { $wp_query->set( 'cat', '-1,-3' ); } } This is how you can exclude categories of posts from displaying in the blog. If you want to change the posts that are displayed on your home page you need to edit your themes index.php page. The Search Exclude plugin is available for free in the WordPress repository that will allow you to remove specific post types from the WordPress search results. WordPress: Loop through Categories and Display Posts Within - gist:6fb2783c05b46a2ba251. 0.62. The trick is the first line, and the cat=-3 parameter. You may use comma separated values here to remove more than one category (e.g. So I added this handy little snippet to remove the “Featured” category from the WordPress Loop. However, here, we will learn about how to exclude category from WordPress homepage of your site. We’ll you can also use the tax_query to easily exclude any custom taxonomy from a loop. The Loop is PHP code used by WordPress to display posts. New: WordPress 4.5 support; 1.0.4 - Released on Apr 12, 2016. There is a problem with this script. The loop is supposed to: loop through all categories; echo out the category name (with link to ; echo out the last 5 posts in that category (with permalink to post) The html for each would be wordpress documentation: Exclude category from posts list edit share Accepts 0, 1, or their bool equivalents. $excluded = array( '-1' ); // Note that this is a cleaner way to write: $wp_query->set('category__not_in', $excluded); set_query_var( 'category__not_in', $excluded ); } add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'demo_exclude_category' ); Typically, a plugin would add to this list, in order to exclude certain categories or groups of categories from category lists. Exclude Multiple Categories from WordPress loop You can exclude multiple categories as well by separating the ids by commas. Ultimate Category Excluder is a WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and easily exclude categories from your front page, archives, and feeds. https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/query_posts It is intended to be placed outside the main loop on a single.php page. This plugin is very easy and simple to use. The problem is, if you want to make any changes to the way WordPress shows your loop, you’ll need to dig into some code. 'echo' (bool|int) Whether to echo or return the generated markup. That’s where you’ll add the code. 1. All WordPress themes use the loop and the best way to modify this loop to hide categories is by using the pre_get_posts hook. For more details, you should follow our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin. If you are using sticky posts in a slider, then sometimes you might want to completely exclude your sticky posts from the loop. add_filter('gettext', 'translate_text'); add_filter('ngettext', 'translate_text'); … Frontend Masters. Do this so that some global variables hold the correct values again. Get Ultimate Category Excluder help:exclude first post from posts for a tag, hi. This WordPress loop will show related posts based on the current posts categories. Default 0. so i need to exclude the "General" category from the loop. If you’re absolutely not comfortable with editing your theme’s files, there is also a plugin alternative you can use. Ultimate Category Excluder is a WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and easily exclude categories from your front page, archives, and feeds. Tutorial to exclude category from WordPress blog page. https://www.ampercent.com/exclude-category-posts-blog-homepage/1318 Shows all posts in category 9 which is the lifestyle category, removed from the front page loop. Once again, if you don’t have any programming knowledge, we recommend using the methods mentioned above. Just select which categories you want to be excluded, and UCE does all the work for you! Thank … Step 2. For example, the following excludes the Humor category as well as the uncategorized posts … $query->set ('cat', '-1,-8'); Ultimate Category Excluder. The WP_Query object will generate a new SQL query using your parameters. It contains the “if and else” statements. How to exclude a category from the loop on your home page March 9, 2015 by admin 1 Comment Just add this WordPress Code Snippet to the functions.php file in your current WordPress theme in order to exclude one or more categories from the loop on your home page. Used for tab indentation. Method 1: Exclude a Category from WordPress Using Plugin First thing you need to do is to install and activate the Ultimate Category Excluder plugin. Two that I recommend are Simply Exclude and Ultimate Category Excluder. Simply Exclude lets you exclude or include categories, authors, tags and pages from your home page, archives, search results and RSS feed. The plugin is very easy to use and works with other plugins such as Google XML Sitemaps and Search Unleashed. Place a call to query_posts() in one of your Template files before The Loop begins. function demo_exclude_category( $wp_query ) { // Add the category to an array of excluded categories. Sign in to view. I was also intended to style the sticky post differently than normal ones within the loop by customizing The Loop default coding as following: Posted a reply to Exclude Category From Loop, on the site WordPress.org Forums: Thanks for the help, most appreciated. Here is another way of writing the condition: set( 'cat', '-5' ) Note that there is a negative sign before the ID which tells WordPress to exclude that category. Insert something like this The main goal was, to enhance WordPress’s features, to hide some unwanted categories, from defined parts of the blog. Easy. Dutch translation by Gerhard Hoogterp, thank you! function exclude_category($query) { if (is_home()) { $query->set('cat','-1'); } return $query; } add_filter('pre_get_posts','exclude_category'); Alternate method. Fix: Prevent notice on products loop; 1.0.5 - Released on Apr 13, 2016. Easy. Now, when someone searches your website, the posts and pages in the excluded category won’t appear, even if they include the search terms. 'depth' (int) Category depth. Before the line Is it possible to exclude a specific category from the loop? Copy link Quote reply glendonray commented Jan 23, 2018. DPS Exclude Sticky – exclude sticky posts unless specifically requested DPS Pinch Zoomer – adds support pinch zooming post images on mobile devices and mouse wheel zooming on desktops Display Posts Shortcode Remote – display posts from a remote WordPress site utilizing the WP REST API. It will include custom post types and exclude the current post and any duplicates. If you are unsure about the name of the post type to remove, you may need to refer to your theme’s documentation for … 2. I’ve tried using compare=not, eg: [loop type=post category=whatever compare=not]… Exclude a category from your WordPress blog page using code. cat=-1,-2). Access your WordPress website’s files and find the functions.php file. You Can Exclude Current Post From Loop Using “offset” option. However I still want people just to type in https://www.example.com to get to my WordPress site, so I’ve left that set as my Site Address so WordPress knows this is what I want displayed instead of the core files location. Allow to order by the modified date in the widget by bibz, thanks! Make WordPress Category Private Programmatically. 4 months ago. you could use wp_parse_args() to merge your arguments into the default query // Define the default query args Default 0. This method requires you to add code to your WordPress theme’s functions.php file. To exclude some specific posts and pages from appearing WordPress search results page, install and activate Search Exclude plugin. It works on… 4 months ago To do that, you will have to edit your template file for the home page, usually index.php in your WordPress … I suppose the other option is just to set up a custom post type for the bios.. probably easier. The following are the steps I took to make the above loop: Using The Loop, WordPress processes each post to be displayed on the current page, and formats it according to how it matches specified criteria within The Loop tags. Exclude Microblog Content from Main Loop. Item #1: “A special category will be used to differentiate one blog’s posts from the other.” Using a special category to differentiate one blog’s posts from another is simple – just use Categories. Any HTML or PHP code in the Loop will be processed on each post. 'current_category' (int|int[]) ID of category, or array of IDs of categories, that should get the 'current-cat' class. I am new to Wordpress and been pulling my hair out trying to create a category loop. I want show 4 posts from a tag and not show first post, please help 'post', 'post_status' Exclude first post (sticky or not) from the loop using query_posts Bookmark this question. This is a simple functionality that works splendidly for blogs, and the code that makes it possible is called the ‘WordPress loop‘. In order to exclude a category from displaying on your blog page or homepage, manually take these 2 big steps: Step 1: Get the category ID. This is everything you need to do to hide the category in WordPress widget. Remember, you want to reset the main loop data after a nested loop. Additional categories can be added easily by simply adding them to the end of the parameter list (separated by commas). Or: You can display all posts except those from a certain category by adding a minus sign before the category id you want to exclude. Note, you can’t use the category_name parameter to exclude categories: … Say you have a default loop in your index.php theme template, but you want to change the number of posts, exclude two categories, and display the results in ascending order. You can then apply your exclusion category to pages and set it in your Search module’s Exclude Categories section. Here is another way to exclude a category from within the WordPress loop: This instructs WordPress to skip any posts in category “1”. Filter function arguments: excluded category WHERE clause, get_categories options list. When you do this, WordPress ignores the other parameters it receives via the URL (such as page number or category). The “while” loop is also there.

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