5. The Brick Wall Prayer is simply a way of searching our hearts and trusting God to change any selfish motives. I know I’m being foolish, thinking that you don’t love me or that I’m lost and will never be found. Rely upon God to rescue you from despair. There is a verse in Jeremiah that I love (NLT) 6:16 This is what the Lord says “STOP at the crossroads and LOOK around. Take a moment to lift up these situations to God in prayer. Respond in obedience when God directs you. When sin stands in your way. 2. Guide me to the partner You know is perfect for me. If we are waiting on God we are, if anything, more active in prayer than we were before. In Jesus’ name, Amen. September 10: A Prayer of Reverence and Honor to God. Jesus, let my to-do list be less and my love be more. Scripture references: Prov 2:8; Deut 8:3-4; Nehemiah 9:21; James 1:5. Yet often our most deeply felt longings—for meaning, for love, for significance—end up leading us away from, instead of toward, our Creator and the person he made us to be. It’s just so hard when the rest of the world keeps spinning—no matter what I try to do, I always feel three steps behind. Jason, Please forgive me for not replying to your comment back in July. Finding Your Way Back to God shows you how to understand and listen to your longings in a whole new way. 7. Because God is a gracious, patient Father, He will help you find the way back to God’s path where your footing is firm and your faith effective. Finding Your Way Back to God: Five Awakenings to Your New Life has tremendous outreach potential and if you’ve not had a chance to spend some time with this book, you need to make time! As You are first in my heavenly heart and mind and spirit, so do I desire a companion for my earthly heart and mind and being. 12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. TRAVEL it’s path, and you will find rest for your souls” Step no. Finding Your Way Back to God shows you how to understand and listen to your longings in a whole new way. With hopes of helping those anti-morning believers and further inspiring the go-getters of the world, we present to you a wonderful list of powerful morning prayers. Believe it or not, a short prayer made in faith can change your life forever. We need to pray for forgiveness and repent in order to re-establish healthy communion with the Father. If you wanted to be thorough in this method, you could use a thesaurus app, online thesaurus, or do a quick Google search. After thinking through the words, pray the isolated phrase to God with your word substitutions and then read the original text to God again, thanking Him for the meaning of His Word. 5. Get alone with God to search your heart and confess your sin to Him. God gives to us; we don’t give to God. It’s about waking up to who you really are, and daring to believe that God wants you to be found even more than you want to find him. Before anything else begin you day with prayer to live and act in harmony with God’s will. “God, if you’re real, make yourself real to me.” Each of us spends our lives on a journey toward God. Prayer will open your heart to God’s grace and mercy. Jesus, let my to-do list be less and my love be more. Realize that God will pursue you. If you study the prayers of the Bible, you begin to notice that the prayers God honors and answers are those that repeat his promises back to him.Go and read the story of Jacob, for instance. 84:2 and Ps. Let Your ears be attentive To the voice of my supplications (Psalm 130:1-2, NASB). So I started to pray this concept back to God, something like, “Lord, please don’t let the logistics of the day hold the value of my day. Prayer for someone you love to come back. The Lord has a plan for your day and life be open to hearing and fulfilling his holy will. Ask God to show you a potential new friend searching for faith. When we return, we find that he has not forsaken us. A Prayer of Gratitude. Joel 2-13 So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the Lord your God,For He is gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, and of great kindness; And He relents from doing harm. Finding Your Way Back to God shows you how to understand and listen to your longings in a whole new way. It’s about waking up to who you really are, and daring to believe that God wants you to be found even more than you want to find him. Finding My Way Back To God. When we make the turn from our sin toward God, God is there to grant forgiveness. James 1:5 - … Ps. He knows who you love and only needs you to say it to Him through prayer, and your soul mate will come to you. Prayers for healing can illustrate firsthand the incredible power of prayer. We ask; he gives. It’s for when you are offered that promotion that you’ve wanted for years, or when you are about to buy your dream home, or when you start dating someone new. Start with prayer- on your knees before God with true repentance. At the beginning of his life God had prophesied—before Jacob was even born—that the blessing would be his and not Esau’s (Gen 25:23). Help me to trust Your way absolutely and to make decisions in perfect peace, not fear. Click http://withgodbehindyou.com now to get a whole book of prayers for getting back together!Have you ever wondered, "Can I use prayer to get my ex back?" The core of the gospel is that we have nothing, contribute nothing, bring nothing to God. Here are seven Bible scriptures that assure and help us in finding God's direction and will once more if you've lost your way. We all experience mile markers—or awakenings—as we find our way back to God. If you want this kind of relationship with God, pray this prayer right now: Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you took the pain of the cross to give me new life. 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Longing for God reflects an integrity of our intention, when we cry out for the living God to return to him and be restored. Recognize that you are helpless without Him. Prayer is also a form of worship the God for all that He has done in our lives and the world. Prayer to Find a Companion “Almighty God, hear this prayer.” Almighty God, hear this relationship prayer. ASK for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Go down on your knees in prayer and ask God to bring your partner back into your life and to heal your relationship, in Jesus Name. We hope this collection of prayers for guidance will help you in praying for the Lord to guide your heart and mind. Thank you for sharing your testimony – i just wish i could read more – i am a backslider – i am busy finding my way back to Jesus – have an urgency inside of me – and i have made so much bad choices – i have hope now that He will forgive me after reading your story – … I ask you to come into my life and to give me your … Journey through each of these awakenings and close the distance between where you are now and where you want to be. Ask him for help. 5 Ways to Pray Scripture Back to God 1. Read the verse to God. 2. Rephrase the verse using your own words. 3. Further define a broad term as you meditate and pray. 4. Substitute synonyms in place of one word of a verse as you pray. 5. Pray against the lies that Satan promotes against the passage. Prayer Journaling FREE PRAYER JOURNAL Finding Your Way Back to God is very well-written and might be one of the easiest books to read I’ve ever come across. You don’t know how? Nowadays, it is very unfortunate that we find those who want to have a very flippant attitude toward sin. Help me walk in faith until that time of our first meeting. Refocus upon god and godly things. I totally forgot that I wrote to this ministry back then and I didn’t see your reply until now. I know I’m being foolish, thinking that I’m so far away from your light I won’t be able to find my way back. Thank You for the waters and mountains that remind us of You. Think back to a time when you felt lost spiritually and someone helped you find your way. Prayer, which is made possible by the gospel and shaped by the gospel, works the same way. God has a unique way of creating relationships. Believe me, I really needed to hear what you had to say. Examine yourself. This book is a game-changer! Proverbs 28:13 says explicitly that – “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.”. Be prepared to offer the same encouragement someone once gave you. Thank You for reconciling us back to You through Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Yes, our sin separates us from God, but our repentance brings us back to him. So listen to your heart and get that person you loved so much back into your life. Find encouragement through Scripture and the prayers of the saints for when your spirit faints and flags—the Lord is near. Posted on August 15, 2007.Filed under: Connie | Finding My Way Back To God . Forgive us for overlooking Your presence in every aspect of our lives, and bless us to notice and give glory to You, for You are our healer. Prayer is bringing your petition to God no matter what it may be… healing, strength, encouragement, direction, thanksgiving… in all things we should go in prayer. Look back to the last place in your life you were confident of God’s guidance. Psalm 25:4-5 - "Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Use these prayers, and keep them in your heart so they can remind you of God’s nearness. Cast All Your Cares. Wanting more is really a longing to return to God—wherever your relationship with God is now. Find a COMMUNITY Location Near You We’re All On a Journey Our universal longing for love, purpose, and meaning in life can only be fulfilled inside a relationship with God; regardless of where you are on your journey, you can find your way back to God and awaken to living a life that matters! Jeremiah 29:10-15 For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Remember the Lord with prayer and thanksgiving. We want to find God, he wants even more to be found. Gracious Father, we bless You. A Prayer to Thank God for His Sovereign Control Father, we praise You for the delicate way You powerfully align our lives to Your creation. Through prayer for the sick and poor in health, we can find comfort in the most trying of times. In order to achieve this inner peace, it’s important that you trust God in the process. Go open your Bible to this psalm right now and let me share four steps it taught me as a way to find God in the midst of fury. God created us with a need for connection, and prayer is connection. 10 Prayers for Guidance. Thank You for being the King of Glory. Active Prayer If you’ve fallen off course with God, praying is one of the best ways to find Him again. Believe it or not, I just stumbled upon the On the Line Ministry page due to googling and reading How to come back to God. Praying to God is the perfect way to find the needed encouragement, peace and strength for the day's tasks. Waiting on God is not a cessation of prayer, a pause but intensification. 4 Prayers to Pray when You’re Repentant May 31, 2019 Turn to God and his Word and the prayers of the saints when your heart cries out to the Lord in repentance. God, I give You thanks even in the unexpected and unwanted because You are good, You are just and You are right. Instead, he redeems through the cross of Christ. Nothing blocks your prayer life like sin, especially if you refuse to confess and surrender it to God. If you've gone one or two wrong turns, ask the Holy Spirit to give you guidance in returning back to Him. Lord God, I thank you for the grace you have given us always to find our way back to you when we sin. Lord may my thoughts and actions on this day be pleasing to You. You see David was not really crying out for the house of God but the living God that dwelt in the house or temple. We don’t know much about him other than he had the title of choir leader. Amen. Finding someone to love can be difficult. This prayer will help guide you on the path to true love. “Almighty God, hear this prayer.” Almighty God, hear this relationship prayer. so do I desire a companion for my earthly heart and mind and being. Guide me to the partner You know is perfect for me. Go back to where you know you had it right. 1: Tell God how you feel. Psalm 73 was written by Asaph. May you have faith that the Lord will answer your prayer for guidance as the Bible tells us "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7).Prayer for Guidance from the Holy Spirit Thank You for being our Father, Redeemer, Shepherd and King. God can do the impossible so believe Him for it.

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