Extensive farming agriculture (as opposed to intensive farming) is an agricultural production system that uses small inputs of labour, fertilizers and capital relative to the land area being used. As such, this technique yields specific consequences. Within farming and the homestead, a major work is keeping livestock. labour, investment, machinery etc., in comparison to the land under cultivation. Animal husbandry as a term covers matters relating to livestock production and management, physiology of animals, reproduction, preservation and protection from disease, nutrition and feeding, housing, welfare and behaviour. This indicated that 87.6% of the respondents were nomadic by nature moving over Meaning. Forage for the cattle can either be grown on farm or purchased. 1 Farming Systems and Ecological Zones 52 4. prelusion-significance of livestock and poultry in indian economy-livestock and poultry census – role of livestock and poultry in indian agriculture. In this respect, intensive livestock production systems use higher amounts of labor and physical capital [e.g. 4.2 The Systematics of African Livestock Production 52 4. Water systems (1) Forestry (4) Tree and woodland health (1) Woodland management (2) Integrated pest management (1) Soil and water (3) Nutrient management (2) Soil testing (1) Weather and climate (1) Animal health and production (10) Animal diseases and pests (2) Fisheries and aquaculture (1) Livestock (6) Beef cattle (2) Beef cattle production (1) Robust breeds of animals reared in extensive systems often have longer The pastoralism concept is often associated with extensive livestock production. Many extensive systems range over very large areas making monitoring livestock labour intensive, inefficient and in some cases even dangerous. The intensive system of livestock production refers to management practice where animals are confined and by implication are not allowed to forage or fend for themselves under similar practice; a fenced land area may be designated as grazing area or … - Livestock Management What is Healthy livestock makes life on the farm easier and more productive People do various types of work to sustain themselves. It involves extensive management but usually with controlled grazing of fenced pasture. Many extensive grazing systems are suffering from overgrazing and serious reductions in the biodiversity of the aboveground vegetation. Extensive farming most commonly means raising sheep and cattle in areas with low agricultural productivity, but includes large-scale growing of wheat, barley, cooking oils and other grain crops in areas like the Murray-Darling Basin in Australia. Often, more work and expense goes into livestock than any other task. The other method is artificial insemination. In sum, extensive livestock farming is known as a practice of the agricultural industry, which as we pointed out at the outset, is characterized by the raising of domestic animals in large areas of land. They are virtually kept as scavengers, particularly in the mixed crop–livestock systems. In essence, the mandatory system replaced the decades-old voluntary price reporting system for livestock and meat with a mandatory price reporting (MPR) system. Double row – More than 15 animals a. Tail to tail system b. Dynamics of ruminant livestock management system in Nigeria. Ranches rear animals extensively in systems whereby animals spend all, or a substantial part, of each day outdoors and obtain most of their nutrients from pasture. scape, use adaptive grazing management in response to a changing climate, incorporate integrated livestock-crop production systems, improve fertility to increase birth rates, and reduce livestock losses due to disease and pest pressure. Cutting and feeding fodder, watering, In extensive conditions, both aims can be achieved by adapting livestock management to the provision of natural foraging resources throughout the year, yet fulfilling other societal demands like the provision of market-oriented products. Head to head system Advantages of tail to tail system 1. Compared with the low-input systems, this livestock-keeping system receives a lot of attention from policy makers, research, extension services and education. All animals get fresh air. Thus, implicit in livestock management is a degree of complexity that surpasses that of the four types of management described earlier (Briggs and Courtney, 1985; Tivy, 1990 ). modern veterinary practices. Conceptual advances in livestock production systems have expanded the … This is a result of the effects of declining availability of land and overstocking due to inadequate livestock management. In this text we have highlighted the importance of extensive livestock production in food production. This method is mainly practised in urban or densely populated areas where grazing land is limited. more than 90 percent of dry matter fed to animals comes from rangelands, pastures, annual forages and purchased feeds and less than 10 percent of the total value of production comes from non-livestock farming activities. Considering that the 91% of the world’s surface devoted to livestock production is composed of extensive systems (i.e., rangelands), our general aim was to develop a PLF methodology that quantifies: (i) detailed behavioural patterns, (ii) feeding rate, and (iii) costs associated with different behaviours and landscape traits. Sudden increases in the these input prices could put the enterprise at risk and force the farmer to go back to less intensive systems. Livestock Production and Management Notes. Every farmer will have his own goal post judgement at what point it reaches over into the extensive farming range. 2: various systems of livestock production-extensive – semi intensive- intensive-mixed. Intensive livestock production system The intensive system is where cattle are enclosed in zero-grazing units and provided with feed and water (Lukuyu et al., 2012). Definition of Extensive Farming Extensive Farming is a system of cultivation, which uses limited inputs, i.e. extensive systems with no or minimal inputs and improved technologies, which results in characteristically low productivity. The intensive system of livestock production refers to management practice where animals are confined and by implication are not allowed to forage or fend for themselves under similar practice; a fenced land area may be designated as grazing area or paddock, usually adjacent to animal pens. 2. Sustainability systems, on the other hand, are more management extensive, employing more managers per acre or per dollar of capital investment, and more management participation from hired workers. Selection of males is less intense in this as a bull can be used for mating only 2-3 times, i.e. In order to support livestock, water, soil, crops, and pests need to be managed. If the animals could still cope with natural conditions, that is. Intensive farming is a type of agriculture, arable farming and animal husbandry, with a higher level of input and production per square unit of agricultural land area. 2 Various systems of livestock production-extensive – semi intensive- intensivemixed.6-9. 2 6Various systems of livestock production -extensive semi intensive intensive mixed. Extensive agriculture is a farming system that uses a small amount of labor and capital relative to the area under cultivation. Continuous grazing by sheep or cattle is a widespread extensive farming system, with low inputs and outputs. 1. 2. Extensive grazing. Extensive land use and high input: ranching and feedlots Ranches are generally specialized large-scale units to produce meat from cattle, sheep or goats. In this method, traditional methods of farming are given preference. Short duration grazing (SDG) systems are those in which livestock are concentrated on less than half the total land area an the lengths of deferment periods exceeds the length of grazing periods. machines] relative to the land area where production takes place. These may be “extensive” or “intensive.” Several decisions must be made with respect to grazing management. Extensive livestock production systems usually have a low stocking rate and are essentially based on grazing (permanent grasslands, natural pastures…). In natural mating a breeding male is actually used for mating with the females. Intensive Farming. In general, farm animals are poorly managed in Nigeria’s agricultural system owing to the fact that the animals are mostly managed on free range/extensive system and semi-intensive system. 3 Livestock Production Systems and their Development 63 5 PASTORAL RANGE-LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION SYSTEMS 66 •In livestock extensive farming commonly refers to cattle, sheep and goat farming in … Comments. The physical capital and human labor aim to replace the need for free space, grazing area, and natural sources of … Systems of Housing Types of Housing – 1. In this method the feed cost somewhat increased. The predominant production systems in the world range from extensive pastoral systems to intensive landless systems. Grazing management uses specific rotations. According to FAO there are three main livestock management systems: Mixed production. It includes both agriculture and livestock and it can be either intensive or extensive. These systems are used for exploitation of both irrigated or non-irrigated land and they are common in some parts of America, Europe and Asia. livestock production, climate change and disaster management. Under intensive livestock production systems a mortality rate of 1–2% results in only a marginal loss where a few individual owners may possess a hundred or so animals. This system has the advantage of The CTCN is the operational arm of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Technology Mechanism and is hosted by the UN Environment in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and 11 independent, regional organizations with expertise in climate technologies. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION & MANAGEMENT www.AgriMoon.CoM Livestock Production and Management This eCourse Developed By TNAU (ICAR) INDEX SN Chapter Page No 1 Prelusion -Significance of livestock and poultry in Indian economy Livestock and Poultry census - role of livestock and poultry in Indian agriculture. 1 5 In this type, the type of livestock species or poultry enterprises are selected based on the availability of feed, fodder, water resources of the farm. In the integrated farming system the defects of mixed farming is overcome by proper planning, monitoring and execution of work according to size of the farm, farm resources, Agro climatic etc. females in a week. It consists of provision of stall feeding, shelter at night under shed and 3 to 5 hour daily grazing and browsing on pasture and range. Green pasture (56.23%) and crop residues (30.06%) are the main feed types available in the country (CSA, 2015b). Methods of Mating Livestock: The two method of mating livestock breeding is natural and artificial. Single row – Less than 15 animals 2. The detrimental impact of a virus with a similar mortality rate in extensive livestock production systems may be much greater. 2 Livestock Type and Product 54 4.2.3 Livestock Functions 54 4.2.4 Livestock Management 59 4. Sheep and goat are largely produced in mixed crop– livestock, specialized pastoral and agropastoral systems. 1 Prelusion-Significance of livestock and poultry in Indian economy-Livestock and Poultry census – role of livestock and poultry in Indian agriculture.1-5. 10 12 4 13Definition of breed-classification of indigenous, exotic cattle and buffaloes –Breed The management system of cattle by respondents reveals that87.6% practiced extensive system of management while 10.7% practiced semi-intensive and only 1.7% practiced intensive system of livestock management. -9 3 Integrated Farming systems -Role of Livestock and Poultry, manure management methods, Duck/Fish/Rice Culture. Improved grazing management. The livestock management system is predominated by extensive production systems, where indigenous breeds are kept under low-input/low-output husbandry practices. an entirely new, mandatory system of price reporting for most livestock and meat products, which it did in April 2001. Extensive Farming. The Extense livestock farming Is a highly demanded practice and economic activity of the agricultural industry. It consists of the so-called grazing or natural breeding of livestock, where domestic animals are fed freely in fields and green areas. Extensive environments tend to have higher proportions of harsh environments and difficult to access areas where physical observation of livestock becomes a challenge. The danger lies in producing or breeding livestock that are no longer adapted to extensive veld conditions.

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