#1 Vasco da Gama linked Europe and Asia through an ocean route for the first time The Age of Discovery was a period of global exploration that started in the early 15th century and was primarily initiated by Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal. They helped find new colonies, explored some of North America and were great navigators. Phoenicians trade from Mediterranean to Britain and West Africa ... Eratosthenes calculates circumference of Earth, invents latitude and longitude 230 B.C. Around 200 BC the Egyptian scientist Eratosthenes mapped the known world and calculated the circumference of the earth as 40,250 km. is credited for two important contributions to oceanography: 1. Phoenicians (from what is now Syria and Lebanon) navigated and traded around Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Africa; 2000BC 2. Read about the life of Eratosthenes. Eratosthenes (c. 276–194 bce), who had prepared a map of the Nile valley southward to the latitude of modern Khartoum, anticipated the correct answer when he reported that heavy rains had been observed to fall in the upper reaches of the river and that these… History at your fingertips Sea-450BC, Eratosthenes (Mathematician) predicted the circumference of the earth: 194 bc) to measure the Earth, two other early attempts had a lasting historical impact, since they provided values that Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) exploited in selling his project to reach Asia by traveling west from Europe.One was devised by the Greek philosopher Poseidonius (c. 135–c. One of the main contributions of Eratosthenes to science and astronomy was his important work regarding Learn, revise and practice all the mocks questions related to the Oceanography with our simple and easy Flashcard quizzes Every nonprime number has a unique prime factorization. 175 km 4. II. The contributions of eratosthenes. Term. A new play celebrates the 17th-Century Italian artist Artemisia Gentileschi, who defied her rape and torture through masterful paintings. • Ptolemy showed the world as a globe with north on the top and east on the right. They biuld what we call 'Dragon Ships', which in 1880, archaeologists found a whole ship intact. ... One of the Greeks’ primary contributions to oceanography and seafaring is the latitude/longitude system. Definition of Oceanography 1. Why do you suppose the residents of Alexandria became hostile to the librarians and the many achievements of the library? 22.40, the Sieve of Eratosthenes, so that, if the number the user inputs into the program is not prime, the program displays the prime factors of the number. As a young man, Eratosthenes studied in Athens. Unlike most seamounts, it is a carbonate platform not a volcano. establishing a center of the study of marine science and navigation on Portugal Ptolemy is known for his three scholarly works: the Almagest— which focused on astronomy and geometry, the Tetrabiblos— which focused on astrology, and, most importantly, Geography— which advanced geographic knowledge. Eratosthenes was educated in philosophy and mathematics in Athens. Today’s measurement is 40,075 km. Among the ancient Greek scholars Herodotus, Plato, Aristotle, Era­tosthenes is the chief ones. This meant that if he continued the light waves at Alexandria and the light waves at Syene, they would meet at a 7.2 degree angle at the center of the earth. The […] I. Eratosthenes made maps, both of the world and sky and is said to have made a map that includes 675 stars. Pacific Ocean- Largest, deepest, lots of islands and seamounts. Eratosthenes. The Greeks made tremen­dous advancements in the fields of geomorphology, climatology and oceanography. He made two important contributions, out of which one was later proved wrong, while the other was right, but it was overlooked for a long time. Study Oceanography Flashcards Flashcards at ProProfs - Here is the set of flashcards based on the topic Oceanography. Eratosthenes of Egypt, 276-192 BC . Name the major oceans and their main characteristics. He invented … He worked in geography to try to figure out why the Nile river had such a regular flood pattern, and hypothesized that it was because of heavy rain upstream. A librarian at Alexandria . 19 th Century The Early Times 3. Oceanography 100 – Karen Baker – Quiz #2. Who is responsible for the first measurement of the circumference of the Earth? Oceanography ch2 questionWho is responsible for the first measurement of the circumference of the earth? The first book of "Geography" contained a summary of existing geographical work and Eratosthenes' speculations about the nature of the planet Earth. He believed it was a fixed globe whose changes only took place on the surface. The Greeks made tremen­dous advancements in the fields of geomorphology, climatology and oceanography. Geography consisted of eight volumes. Eratosthenes' "Geography". Prince Henry the navigator’s contribution to ocean exploration included? His work is comparable to what is now known as the study of geography, and he introduced some of the terminology still used today. How far from the correct value was Erathosthenes? So he studied there, and briefly in Athens as well. We do not know what he looked like. Even though they were worriors, they had a huge impact on Oceanography today. OCEANOGRAPHY-Study of the Oceans Contributions of the “ancients” 1. The field of oceanography today is so broad that oceanography is usually broken down into a number of sub disciplines: a. (Sieve of Eratosthenes) Modify Fig. Eratosthenes calculated the Earth’s circumference, and invented the latitude/longitude system. When did oceanography begin to develop as a modern science? During the Middle Ages, most scholars accepted Eratosthenes' circumference, though Christopher Columbus used Posidonius' measurement to convince his supporters that he could quickly reach Asia by sailing west from Europe. The Eratosthenes Seamount or Eratosthenes Tablemount is a seamount in the Eastern Mediterranean, in the Levantine basin about 100 km south of western Cyprus. Eratosthenes (264-194 B.C.) Oceanography Chapter 1 Oceanography Oceanus would be a better name for Earth, since oceans cover 70% surface (most major cities, resources, etc. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how telepresence technology was used by oceanographers in the field to assess and analyze three shipwrecks and numerous artifacts discovered during exploratory expeditions of the submerged plateau known as Eratosthenes Seamount (Fig. But Eratosthenes, who had wide-ranging interests including poetry, theatre and ethics, was first and foremost an astronomer, and Alexandria was the place to go for astronomical studies. Using your own words, write a paragraph about Eratosthenes and his contributions to math and science. Menu. What did Eratosthenes of Cyrene contribute to marine science and why is it important? They also built a ship know as the Knarr. Remember that a prime number’s factors are only 1 and the prime number itself. Eratosthenes of Cyrene Prince Henry the navigator's contribution to ocean exploration included? Eratosthenes went to Alexandria and found out that the light hit the earth at an angle of 7.2 degrees. III. Eratosthenes may have been the first to use the word geography. He calculated the Earth’s circumference. What were the contributions of Eratosthenes, Hipparcus, and Ptolemy to oceanography? calculated the Earth’s circumference and invented the first lattitude/longitude system – a system of imaginary lines on the Earth, used for navigation and mapping. Take notes about his accomplishments. Field “experiment” to determine the curvature of the Earth compared Sun angle in a well at Syene with the shadow of a wall in Alexandria . Oceanic area = 303x10^6km^2 (59.4%) 11.5% of Earth is continent below sea level. Earth Science Oceanography: An Invitation To Marine Science, Loose-leaf Versin How did the Library of Alexandria contribute to the development of marine science? He also designed a system for finding prime numbers — whole numbers that can only be divided by themselves or by the number 1. Eratosthenes also compiled a star catalog that included 675 stars. ... Technology such as electronics and space travel have provided important contributions to oceanography. Each fragment is accompanied by an English translation, a summary, and commentary. • Hipparchus divided the Earth's surface into 360 degrees. He invented a system of longitude and latitude and made a map of the known world. He greatly overestimated the West to East distance from the Westernmost part of Europe to the Eastern extremity of the ekumene (the habitable … Learn about The Sieve of Eratosthenes. He may have measured the distances from Earth to both the Moon and to the Sun, but the historical accounts of both deeds are rather cryptic. First maps showing water (river charts) 3800 B.C. Definition. Worksheet 5.1--The History of Oceanography Reading: Introduction to the World’s Oceans pages 4-22 1. Marmer: “Oceanography the science of the sea, includes primarily the study of the form and nature of the oceans basins, the characteristics of the water in these basins and the movement to which these water are subject to.” Lived c. 276 BC - c. 194 BC. Introduction DEFINITIONS OF OCEANOGRAPHY:- • According to H.A. The Greeks not only extended the horizon of geography from the Aegean Sea to Spain and Gaul, the Russian steppes in Central Asia, the Indus river in the east and Ethiopia in the south, but also put the subject on a sound footing by making remarkable contributions in the field of mathematical, physical, historical and regional geography. About us; DMCA / Copyright Policy; Privacy Policy; Terms of Service; History of Oceanography Why Study The History of Its peak lies at the depth of 690 m and it rises 2000 m above the surrounding seafloor, which is located at the … About 150 years later, Eratosthenes (264-194 B.C.) It is a large, submerged massif, about 120 km long and 80 km wide. are near the ocean) Life began in the ocean – 4 billion years before present ♦ Stayed there for over 3 billion years before venturing out onto the surface Learn everything about the Oceanography from scratch and become a master of this topic with quiz based flashcards. • Eratosthenes introduced latitude and longitude. 2. In addition to the attempts of Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c. 276–c. Another contribution that Eratosthenes made to geography was his description of the region "Eudaimon Arabia", now the Yemen, as inhabited by four different races. What happened to most of the information accumulated there? Eratosthenes' most famous contribution to science was his calculation of the circumference of the Earth, which he completed while working on the second volume of his "Geography.". At the age of about 50 he returned to Alexandria and soon became director of the Library. Eratosthenes was also the first to calculate the tilt of the Earth’s axis, which he figured with remarkable accuracy; the finding was reported by Ptolemy (85-165 CE). Eratosthenes also calculated the distance from the Earth to the Moon and to the Sun, but with less accuracy. He made a catalog of 675 stars. 2. This is important to marine science because these concepts are used for locations around the globe. Eratosthenes was an Ancient Greek scientist born in the town of Cyrene in about 276 BC. Firstly, he recalculated the circumference of the Earth and at a much smaller figure than that of Eratosthenes. It allows scientists to pinpoint specific locations using a system of degrees. Know about the contribution of Vasco da Gama though his 10 major accomplishments and achievements. A crater on Earth's Moon is named after Eratosthenes, as is a seamount in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Syene (near today's Aswan) is located some 800 km up the Nile river from Alexandria very close to the tropic of Cancer (23°27'N), so at the time of the summer solstice the Sun's rays fall vertically down on Syrene at noon. Cyrene, then a Greek city, is now the town of Shahhat in Libya. He was a man of learning, becoming the chief librarian at the Library of Alexandria. Calculated the Earth's circumference: 40,000 km (24,840 mi) More precise, modern measurement: 40,032 km (24,860 mi) Watch the video. Eratosthenes of Cyrene was a Greek polymath: a mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, and music theorist. Atlantic Ocean- long, narrow, parrallel sides 68% of freshwater runs into it. Eratosthenes' is believed to be the first person to attempt a determination of the size of the Earth through measurement. Contributions of Greeks in the field of Physical Geography: The Greeks made remarkable development in the field of physical geography. Greeks-create Maps of Med. _____ includes the study of the earth at … Duane W. Roller provides a rich background, including a history of the text and its reception, a biography of Eratosthenes, and a comprehensive account of ancient Greek geographical thought and of Eratosthenes’ pioneering contribution to it. establishing a center for the study of marine science and navigation in Portugal. History of Oceanography TIMELINE Print PDF Zoom Out Events Egyptian trade on nile 4000 B.C. 1, Fig. This is the first modern edition and first English translation of one of the earliest and most important works in the history of geography, the third-century Geographika of Eratosthenes. 2, Fig. a. Eratosthenes of Cyrene developed longitude and latitude.

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