We refuse to sacrificially love. They view the death as an insulting action towards them, instead of their loved one being in paradise. 5.What can Christians do to address these objections and better communicate the Christian gospel? Additionally, people are more inclined to reject the gospel message since it speaks against their culturally immoral practice and deeds, such as fornication, gambling, as a means of self-defense. On a personal level, people provide emotional reasons to resist the gospel message. Last week, we learned the external reason why people reject the gospel. When the gospel is rejected, it is rejected because "the god of this world [the devil] has blinded the minds of them who do not believe [the gospel]" (2 Cor. 4:4). Tonight, we will look at the internal cause of the rejection of the gospel. Emotional: Some people will reject Christianity for irrational reasons and their objection is purely emotional. They don’t know any credible Christians, and they have never heard the personal message of salvation. Hire verified writer $35.80 for a 2-page paper What are some specific moral, emotional, and intellectual reasons people may reject the Christian Gospel The main reasons individuals refuse the gospel is mainly due to their morals. We are an Essay Writing Company. People do not want to change their life styles. John 14:6 ESV / 6 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. John 1:19b: “… men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil.” This phrase contains several significant truths about sin. It is hard for some people to accept what they cannot prove real through the experience of their five senses. What are some ways the Christian gospel is perceived in our culture? You will notice he begins with six reasons and then like a good Baptist preacher adds another point at the end. People who were the subject of abuse by someone in the Church may reject the gospel because of the pain – mentally and physically – that they endured. First, sin is far deeper than outward deeds; sin is a matter of our affections or desires. Another emotional reason why people may the Christian gospel is through their fallen belief that things could get better with believing in the Christian gospel. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. 4. 3. What are some specific reasons (moral, emotional and intellectual) that people reject the Christian gospel? What are some specific intellectual reasons people may reject the gospel message? However some will reject the gospel simply because they have committed a sin. Apologetics 620 Words | 3 Pages. It is commonly experienced in a quest of emotional relations, such as among romantic couples, in social and group settings, or … People may reject it because of past dealings with Christians who caused havoc in their lives. Shortly after he cleared the temple square with a whip, Jesus told a parable about a landowner who planted a vineyard and left it in the care of tenant farmers. 3. What are some specific emotional reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? May his thoughts on why people reject the gospel equip you in ministering to lost souls, or perhaps awaken you to see your own need for Christ. Christian gospel in many ways is perceived in this day and age are a lost word. If they do not … Some may reject the Christian gospel because of a cultural taboo to how they was raised. What we need is, not an emotional experience, but a knowledge of the Scriptures that teach, correct, instruct, and provide us to all good works. a free world, a world where an individual has the authority to decide the course of his or her life. The loss of belief is tied to the experience of pain or death in life. The Christian gospel is perceived in today’s culture as offensive and exclusive instead of the inclusive gospel that it is because of the sin nature of man. Whatever the reasons why people reject Jesus Christ, their rejection has disastrous eternal consequences. Some specific emotional reasons people reject the gospel is because they lose someone close to them in life. Multiple authorship. Last week, we learned the external reason why people reject the gospel. Consider his words below: [1]. What are some specific emotional reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? 3.What are some specific emotional reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? There are lots of reasons that people reject the claims of the Gospel and Jesus of Nazareth. His call on us to love others sacrificially is a knife in the heart of our human selfishness. When harvest came, the landowner sent a group of servants to the vineyard to collect the fruit. The Real Reason People Reject God. Most reject the gospel on intellectual or rational grounds, rather than for emotional reasons. Christianity demands adherence to a certain moral code that some people believe is outmoded, or intolerant. Why do people reject Jesus? Many emotional objections are based on individual experiences. 4. When the gospel is rejected, it is rejected because “the god of this world [the devil] has blinded the minds of them who do not believe [the gospel]” (2 Cor. What are some specific emotional reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? 1. 4.What are some specific intellectual reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? (3) Emotional reasons why people may reject the Christian Gospel are because maybe they feel as if they have committed too many sins to repent for. A:People who reject the Christian gospel do not reject morality or the rule of law. 2).What are some specific moral reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? And the reason is—which is the same reason that very intelligent people make very foolish mistakes in thinking when it comes to God—is because it’s not based simply on thinking. 4:1-4.) We reject Christ because He calls us to other-centered living. A person would emotionally reject the gospel of Jesus Christ because they would have to admit they are a sinner in need of saving. Some emotional reasons why people may reject the gospel include; during emotional periods in life like when a loved one dies, one may reason that their prayers went unanswered, when people do not understand God's unconditional love, while others are due to heartbreaks and social pressures, while others are being angry with God due to loss. Sometimes it’s for rational reasons. People in some cultures feel if they believe in God that they will be rejected by family and friends. Ethics are a barrier to belief. John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:19-21 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God. John 3:16 ESV / 6 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful Tonight, we will look at the internal cause of the rejection of the gospel. Understanding Rejection: Emotional rejection is the feeling a person experiences when disappointed about not achieving something desired. 4:4). That is to say they don’t have an intellectual issue such as thinking there is insufficient evidence to believe God exists or that Jesus rose from the dead, but perhaps they have been hurt by someone who was a Christian and this has poisoned the well. In emotional situations such as the death of a loved one they reason that since their prayers went unanswered neither Christ nor God exist. Don’t convolute the gospel with other issues. - Emotionally, it can be hard for people to process the idea of a heavenly Father that wishes them the best, when the world is so full of pain and suffering. What are some specific intellectual reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? Not by feelings, but by comparing what men teach to the true gospel recorded in the New Testament. 2 Timothy 3:13-17 - The Scriptures are the guide God provided so we can avoid being deceived. “When our non-Christian friends think of Christianity,” … People in general do not like to admit they are wrong in their thinking.What they were taught or how they were raised then becomes questioned and it can be a scary reality for a person to realize they had been living a lie. "Specific Emotional Reasons People Reject The Christian Gospel" Essays and Research Papers . They are strangers to their utter inability to help themselves’. What are some specific emotional reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? People have the art of praying and staying faithful to the word of God. Unanswered prayers … They feel angry and bitter with God, and do not believe in his word. Loved indicates that this was not a cool, rational decision: “Having weighed all the factors involved, I think the best decision is to love darkness rather than light.” … Total inability and total depravity are … Others. The right to divorce is not allowed in Christianity (as preached by Jesus and the apostles), and such people reject the gospel as being inconsiderate and illogical. People reject the gospel because of many moral reasons such as their sexual preferences, marital status or political beliefs. Usually it is beliefs, marital status or political. Some people think that if God loves us then He should not cause them to lose someone they love, and He should not allow them to fall on hard times. There the question concerned someone who rejects God for rational reasons; here it concerns someone who rejects God for emotional reasons. People reject the Bible in this case because they feel that if you can interpret it in any way you want, it must be too subjective . Now, there are reasons why they think this: They've never studied it for themselves. They use their Bibles as shelf or table ornaments. What are some specific emotional reasons people may reject the gospel message? “Men loved darkness.” The past tense (Greek aorist) could be translated, “Men set their love on darkness” (Morris, p. 233). 11 - 20 of 500 . In emotional situations such as the death of a loved one they reason that since their prayers went unanswered neither Christ nor God exist. Tragically, a major cause for why some people reject Christianity today is ‘gospel inoculation.’ They think they’ve heard the gospel and rejected it, when in reality what they rejected was not the gospel but a dead (false) form of the real thing. As an anthology, the four Gospels reveal two complementary responses to the person of Jesus Christ. 2.What are some specific moral reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? We will list but a few specific emotional reasons for rejecting the Gospel. Some people find emotional expressions especially by adults, a sign of weakness (Nieves). A: People who reject the Christian gospel do not reject morality or the rule of law. Make sure that if people reject the gospel, it is because of the message itself, not the arrogant attitude of the messenger. No one comes to the Father except through me. Some emotionally reject the gospel when they see a loved one suffering, or when one has lost a loved one. I have found that skeptics are generally ignorant of sound theology, sketchy on the facts of history, and shoddy in their use of logic and philosophy. As someone with a keen interest in doctrine and apologetics, I usually focus on the more intellectual reasons for disbelief. The single authorship of the John’s Gospel is highly doubtful. Philip is an example of the former. What can Christians do to address these objections and better communicate the gospel message? The other moral reason people may reject the Christian gospel is the concept of the Bible establishing. People who deny that God exists may give several reasons for their unbelief. For example, they may say they reject God because they can't understand why He doesn't do something about all the evil in the world . Or they may say they're turned off by the hypocrisy of Christians they've known.

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