KOH is more forgiving on high titration oils than NaOH. Liquid soap uses potassium hydroxide as the lye (it’s harder to find; I bought mine on Amazon). Potassium hydroxide is the alkali needed to make liquid soap. KOH, on the other hand, being liquid does not seem to interfere with the reaction. The most common method for making liquid soap involves adding Potassium Hydroxide to distilled water to make your lye solution. Thanks. … KOH soaps do not trace like NaOH soaps. According to Wikipedia : The saponification of fats with KOH [potassium hydroxide] is used to prepare the corresponding “potassium soaps”, which are softer than the more common sodium hydroxide-derived soaps. The lye used to make solid soap is sodium hydroxide; whereas, the lye used to make liquid soap is potassium hydroxide. If the mix falls below body temperature, it will probably not saponify. Yes, you can make a gloopy runny gross liquid-ish soap from bar soap by dissolving it, but for real liquid soap, like dr bronners, you need potassium hydroxide at the start. Because soap is the product of the reaction between fatty acids and an alkali. First lets analyze the types of soap you are making. Lye soap This has a much smoother, silkier look and feel to it. Potash soap This soap is more... I have been using it since I was a child. Sometimes a bit of NaOH is included in liquid soap recipes, but KOH must be the main alkali if you want to make acceptable liquid soap. What ratio of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide should be used in a shave soap? I bought one from a fish supply store and it cost $80.00. I do suggest that you get a scale that measures in grams as well. The amount of water used depends on how concentrated you want the finished soap to be. Potassium hydroxide is harder to find and comes in flakes, not beads. The point of using glycerin is to make instant liquid soap, no reason for me to slow down the process by soaping cool. 10% Castor Oil, 10% Coconut Oil, 40% Beef Tallow, 40% Olive Oil. What does it mean to neutralize liquid soap, and why would you want to? Saponification is the process of lye water and oil mixing and producing soap. KOH is Potassium Hydroxide, also called Caustic Potash. Both are commonly used to make biodiesel. A major side reaction in making biodiesel is converting the FFA or Free Fatty Acid to soap. Soap made from NaOH is solid. Soap made from KOH is liquid. KOH is for liquid soap not the cold process bar soaps on my site. Many people try to make "liquid soap" by diluting grated bar (NaOH) soap. Bar soap uses lye called sodium hydroxide (which is used as a drain cleaner and can be found in hardware stores). The flakes are easier to work with, but are still caustic, so gloves and protective eyewear must be used. Medically, potassium hydroxide (KOH) is widely used in the wet mount preparation of various clinical specimens for microscopic visualization of fungi and fungal elements in skin, hair, nails, and even vaginal secretions,. I thickened it with sodium chloride and added grapefruit extract for scent. I like using 8%. This is the chemical that Do not forget that you need more KOH than NaOH to saponify the same recipe, so use this formula: amount of KOH needed = 0.713 / amount of NaOH you substitute for (e.g. Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) – is used to make liquid soaps. You might find one cheaper on Ebay or Craig’s List but I … Neutralizing your soap If you want to be truly successful making and formulating liquid soap you really need to consider purchasing a digital PH meter. We need to take it into consideration that KOH is not 100% pure KOH. Cathy: Rating: Lye solution and oil separates by: Anonymous Oh darn! I don't know if anyone is still looking for the answer but here I go anyway because I spent 40 minutes researching this for an assignment TL;DR - T... Soaps are salts of fatty acids. The reason why potassium-based soaps are 'soft' or liquid is to do with the manufacturing process and the difficulty in separating them (R-COO-K) from the glycerin/glycerol after reaction with the soap lye (The alkaline salt solution used to make the soap e.g. Because of the lack of information on the internet about KOH hard bar soap i had to wing it but it worked. Before I break down this question, I guess it’ll be better to give a general overview of sodium hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), or known as cau... With black soap the water is seared out of it in the final stage and the soap is dried overnight. 5% should be enough. Soap calculators have KoH but no one can tell me if it will work. if you need 100g of NaOH for your recipe, you take out 5g of NaOH and will add 5g / 0.713=7g of KOH. I kept the coconut oil and castor oil content low as the resist thickening with salt in liquid soap. NaOH is Sodium Hydroxide, also called Caustic Soda and sometimes lye. KOH is Potassium Hydroxide, also called Caustic Potash. Both are commonly used to make biodiesel. A major side reaction in making biodiesel is converting the FFA or Free Fatty Acid to soap. Soap made from NaOH is solid. Soap made from KOH is liquid. The … Liquid soap is water soluble, when you mix water and oil, the oil will turn the water white and eventually migrate out and float on top of the water. Tutorial for making your own liquid soap, body wash. Please, please bring the liquid hand soap back. Making soap is not difficult once you get the compounds you need, which are relatively inexpensive, and carefully put them together in a controlled environment. I sequestered for 2 weeks and now it is cloudy and has a "white cloud" on the bottom that won't mix in. Modern soft soaps are made using vegetable oils and other polyunsaturated triglycerides. SJ. This is the way it works: an oil is made up of three fatty acids attached to glycerin, so the alkali (potassium hydroxide [KOH]) severs the fatty acids which combine with the potassium to make soap, the alkali (OH-) becomes water (H2O), and the glycerin is left to float around. Potassium Hydroxide is a type of lye specifically used to make liquid soap. Soft oils are oils that are liquid at … Potassium hydroxide produces a soft soap and is normally only used to make a liquid soap. Agitation and warmth are key to making … Fatty acids are saturated carboxylic acids. Some soap makers use two alkalis -- sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) -- to make some types of soap. If the test mixture stays clear as it cools, you can continue. – Liquid soap is oils plus POTASSIUM hydroxide. I did 10% additional KOH and then neutralized with boric acid. I found that it takes longer, and it goes from really liquid to hard fairly quick. This is the only way I have been making Liquid soap since it makes it very easy and quick. Dilute the Paste. It has the lowest pH of any soap I have made (7 on litmus paper). The cost of ingredients will vary depending on where you live. In addition to being softer, this type of soap has a lower melting point. I have sensitive skin and Ivory is the only liquid hand soap that doesn't make my hands break out. I have read a survey on commercial shampoos in which most manufacturers claim 'ph neutral qualities'. In the hand crafted soaping world, these dual-lye recipes are often used for specialty soaps such as cream soap, shave soap, and liquid soap. We are basically hot-processing the liquid soap paste and speeding things along, even as compared to the crock pot method. Ingredients for liquid castile soap. Hi, I made liquid hand soap with coconut oil, safflower oil, palm kernal oil and potassium hydroxide. This reaction may or may not instantly happen, and may cause you considerable stress getting it to happen. You can go with fatty acids instead of triglycerides (real fats). Stearin should work fine. These will react much easier with a warm to hot solutio... Sodium hydroxide is used to make hard bar soap while potassium hydroxide is used to make liquid soap. Because liquid soaps are often made with excess lye, the final soap can have leftover, unreacted lye which can be irritating to the skin. Soap is made by the chemical reaction called saponification, during which lye dissolved in water (or another water-based liquid) reacts with oils. Most early soaps were made using potassium hydroxide obtained from wood ash and animal fats. ). Firstly, let's know what happens in the formation of soap. It is considered “done” basically as soon as it is hardened, although as with all bar soaps, the longer it cures the longer it will hold up in use. It contains about 8-12% “other” stuff- mostly water. Liquid drain cleaners contain 25 to 36% of potassium hydroxide. If you use sodium hydroxide, you get soap which is the sodium salt of the fatty acids in the fat. If the fatty acids are represented as RCOOH and t... I make mine in a crock pot and once it is finished it is a hard paste that you then dilute with water to make a liquid. I think we are thinking too chemically, i.e., too basically. From my (limited) experience, soft soaps contain more water. The correspondence of vis... If we use NaOH and there is enough soap you get a tank full of gelatinous goo that contains mostly soap, WVO, and some biodiesel. With KOH being only 90% pure, it can cause your soap to be lye-heavy, and harsh on the skin, or overly superfatted and cloudy.
why does koh make liquid soap 2021