Island (Seasonal Tasks) - Send X number of ships to a specific island In the Golden League dumping tasks has a penalty towards your co-ops Golden Leaderboard score. BUT we are still dumping them. ★Fourth,Never Use dirty tcash in Latest event,If You get In the Ranking list,Playrix will Check You, – The penalty for dumped tasks is based on the number of tasks dumped from the common task board in the previous regatta divided by the number of co-op participants in that race. If members get kicked out of their co-op during a race, the points they earned still count toward the co-op’s total score. Both methods mean that it will be 30 minutes before another task takes its place on the Task Journal. Township Rules about dumping tasks. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. We also allow task reserves. Any member ranked elder, co-leader, or leader in the co-op is able to dump tasks from the task board. But if you still spend all day dumping tasks, waiting for decent ones, then it doesn’t seem much more fun, except that you’re done after fewer tasks. An off-season regatta is held after the end of each season and lasts one week. for cacao, coffee plant, corn, cotton, jasmine, pepper, pine tree, potato, rice, rose, rubber tree, silk, strawberry, sugar cane, tomato, and wheat. After you take the task, you can unload them and get credit. Dumping tasks in regattas Can someone explain to me why players sign up to do several tasks immediately on the opening of the regatta then proceed to dump 90% of those tasks almost immediately? You only need to use your creativity to choose buildings & establishments and build your city. Dumping tasks only affects the global score (not the regatta score), so if you are just playing for the usual rewards then you can dump as many tasks as you like. If you can’t do 10+ tasks this week, please opt-out before 7:00 pm PDT on Monday. There is a waiting period if you want to choose the task again—however, this does not apply to other co-op members who can choose the task immediately. You can reserve this task when it isn't being completed by other players. Its quite easy to accidentally click the wrong button. Should I wait for a task more suited t Maybe going for tasks under 135 is the secret to making regatta fun again. Game Info. – The penalty for dumped tasks is based on the number of tasks dumped from the common task board in the previous regatta divided by the number of co-op participants in that race. Seasons and regattas: timing and start time. New Co-op Four Wheel Drive #FURX8V Starting off in Wooden League but aiming for Golden ☺ Daily players only! The fourth and subsequent members who complete the task get 145 points. This one is one of the easiest tasks to complete. During the Interseasonal regatta, you work with your team members to complete chests for rewards. Once regattas start, your job is to help your co-op by completing tasks. All 12 tasks on the board are common for everyone in the co-op racing that week and are done individually - unlike tasks in Race of Champions. If you need to opt out, simply uncheck the box. Tasks under 135 points should be dumped by Leaders and Elders. Only elders and the leader can dump tasks without penalty (though we have to wait for a new task to appear. Dumping tasks in any league other than Gold has no effect except to refresh for higher point and/or easier tasks. … When possible, choose the highest task points available. All 3 tasks must be completed in order for any contributing teammate to earn that chests reward. Regatta & Co-Op Rules. Its duration is 6 days.The new regatta starts on Tuesdays at 8:00 AM UTC. Game Guide. The relay task can be dumped by: - leaders, co-leaders, and elders when the task isn't being completed. That’s 27 animals per feed mill being fed as soon as you start the task. What is the penalty for dumping tasks in golden league of regatta?. This gives low-performing co-ops an opportunity to improve and climb the leaderboard rankings. Since our Co-op has not prioritized the GLB, we will continue to not concern ourselves with task dump counts. If you personally dump 1 task you are working on you forfeit 1 task i.e. You can dump any task you've accepted regardless of your rank, but you'll lose the task progress. The second gets 135 points. Empires & Allies – FAQ de la saison 7 du défi de première ligne; CSR Racing 2 – 為什麼我的美國系列據點的進度顯示為未完成? All 12 tasks on the board are shared by everyone in the co-op racing that week. 1st person gets 130 points for completing, 2nd gets 135 points, third person gets 140 points and 4th player to 30th player get 145 points for finishing the task. This week the regatta is nothing but a miserable struggle against the algorithms of Township, which leaves us frustrated and angry. 2. As long as we already have a task, we can’t accidentally acquire one we’re trying to dump. Link to Relay Tasks Spreadsheet This is a task type that was added for the seasonal regatta in October/November 2018. If members get kicked out of their co-op during a race, the points they earned still count toward the co-op’s total score. Do not take tasks that are below 120 or so unless it’s near end of regatta and it is what you can get finished. Tips from CZ. The Task Journal is shared which means any time you take or dump a task, it is removed for everyone. Township allows two different methods of "dumping" tasks. Therefore taking a 125 does not equal out with 145 as we need perfect score. instead of 11 tasks in Steel League you will only be able to do 10. Especially in the case of regattas, where you often times have to dump tasks and the dump button is right next to the accept task button. Leaders and elders can dump a task that is available to all. Interseasonal regattas have the following rules for dumping tasks: 1. Just don't dump a task after you started it already (with a red Trashcan icon) because that will reduce the maximum amount of tasks you can finish this week. Then when you get back on, sell most of it. Members need to do a minimum of 5 tasks per regatta, and always make sure to try their best in completing tasks. – The penalty for dumped tasks is based on the number of tasks dumped from the common task board in the previous seasonal regatta divided by the number of co-op participants in that race. It will take 30 minutes before next task is available and no one will have personal tasks reduced. We are family friendly for leisurely sailors, current members residing in Canada, England, & Trinidad. Township is an open-world game which means that you don’t have any missions or quests to complete. - It is recommended to dump most of the slow tasks, like plane tasks and train tasks and zoo tasks. Dumping tasks only affects the global score (not the regatta score), so if you are just playing for the usual rewards then you can dump as many tasks as you like. You can only dump tasks from the task list if you’re a Leader, Co-leader, or Elder. Add Me. There is a check box with “Participate in the Regatta.” By default, this box is checked so that you will participate. One strategy is to leave the last item in your current task unfinished until you see a new task to take. Do not block up key factories like dairy or sugar this way. You can recheck the box when you are ready to participate again. Everyone in the coop (all 30 players) can do the task. - YouTube. So in a nutshell -- dumping tasks works against us. For the professors experiment my daily task is to collect 150 stars. If members get kicked out of their co-op during a race, the points … 1. Español. If you want to learn more about the Golden League or Regatta you can check out the Regatta … In Helping Hands we ask that you keep task selections between 130-135 points. You can work on producing the feed while you’re doing another task. ★Third, Don’t Use too much tcash In Regatta. Just to illustrate what source of frustration dumping can be: 1 day into this week's regatta race I've dumped 134 tasks and finished 3 tasks. I'm literally dumping over 40 tasks for each task I run. Chest Tasks (House of Luck): Only take if you have enough clovers to finish the task so that you can complete it quickly; Mining Tasks: Ensure you have enough tools for the ore required (around 2.8 x ore required) before picking so that you can complete it quickly; Think before taking a task. Dumping Tasks:: Only Leaders and Co-leaders are allowed to dump tasks from I hope someone from Playrix will read this, although they seem to pay very little attention to the complaints of the players. During Regatta we all do tasks for points that hopefully leads us to 1st place each week! Once in a while, when we tap the dump button, there is no confirmation pop up. Reviews. TOWNSHIP DUMPING REGATTA TASK // DELETING REGATTA TASK !!! You can dump any task you’ve accepted regardless of your rank, but you’ll lose the task progress. We are not racing to get all the tasks done, we are racing to get all the tasks won with the best score in the best time. Find answers for Township on The Interseasonal Regatta works a little bit different than the typical regatta race and occurs at the end of a full 4-week season. It takes a lot of coordination and administration so please pay attention to direction from the leaders. Any task that is started or dumped by a member will refresh randomly after 30 minutes. Add Videos and Hints. Do I have the resources to complete it? Usually we will dump these tasks just for that reason, unless there are very few tasks on the board. Answers. Usually, the max points you can get on a task … We need to have as many members of the team do this task … 4. Instead the task leaps directly into our active task spot under the task board. Your You can buy 1 extra task for 10 T-cash which brings the total points to 1080 for 1 member. Dump helicopter orders if the items are going to take too long or if the coins/XP seem too low… unless you just want an easy fill for a regatta helicopter task. To make Extra Coins: Before going to bed, work, or anytime you can't get on for a while, clear your fields and put on a crop that'll take a while (cacao, pepper, potatoes, rubber tree or silk if you're going to be off longer). Updates. Task Guidelines. Playrix is very strict In regatta.We can dump And buy New tasks, But not too often,We can buy the Last tasks,And We had batter Don’t spend_up the tasks. TASK SUGGESTIONS:. Feed # farm animals. Here are 7 Township tips, tricks and hints to help you get better at the game. Task Information Any member ranked elder, co-leader, or leader in the co-op is able to dump tasks. For the next regatta, which begins October 2, 2019, we’re setting the following guidelines: If you can commit to finishing 10+ tasks during the six days of the regatta (and it sounds fun and not stressful), please opt-in before 7:00 pm PDT on Monday. Keep filling your feed factory until all spots are full, including the boxes used for the queue. It’s starts as a 130 task. The peach & watermelon tasks will require 3 & 2 trips respectively, unless you already have the ships in the port ready & waiting. What do I need to know about regatta tasks? When completing helicopter orders in a hurry, send the order then go to Ernie (or a friend’s) town and come immediately back to yours. Start taking Tasks 2 1/2 hours after the race begins. The third, 140 points. Township allows two different methods of "dumping" tasks. Both methods mean that it will be 30 minutes before another task takes its place on the Task Journal. The Task Journal is shared which means any time you take or dump a task, it is removed for everyone. We do not all have our own Task Journals. If we realise that we are not in line for top 3 and are safe from demotion, the leaders may give you the option to take tasks 132 points and above. We keep dumping tasks, but tasks of 135 points are too rare. Interseasonal Regatta. The Regatta is not just a race but a competition done on score. 2. 3. In this case, the task quota available for each participant remains unchanged. The logic of this baffles me. Township Answers. The first player gets 130 regatta points. It only matters if you're trying to reach a higher rank on the Leaderboards though. Interseasonal regattas have the following rules for dumping tasks: 1. Monthly results change accordingly with the new regattas held every week. 1. 135 Tasks And What They Require 135 TASKS AND WHAT THEY REQUIRE There is a Master Regatta Task List available online but it lists EVERY task with EVERY point value, but since most of us only care about 135 tasks, I thought I'd "dumb it down" for us all! It’s happened to me more than once (usually the 3 plane task), to others in my coop, and to other players. So far, dumping tasks with either method does not affect the Co-op's regatta score, but Method 2 does affect the Global Leaderboard position. - You can do 10 or more tasks for 135 points each, in the first 24 hours of a regatta, if you dump the slow tasks and pick the fastest ones! If your co-op is demoted to a lower league, your Golden Leaderboard record gets reset! **It isn’t always possible if you have time restraints. Everyone who fills out the Rule Acknowledgement Form becomes an Elder in our Group, please fill it out if you haven't yet. The Township regatta is held weekly. During this period, the allies complete tasks to earn chests with prizes and rewards for achieving common goals. We have lots of Township contacts and can help you to find a more appropriate co-op for your needs. Task Information. This allows you to Request/ Dump Tasks during the Race. The most hard-working members usually complete 1900+ points every regatta. The calculation is (# of Dumped Tasks) / (# of Members Racing). Relax And Build A Free Town.
township regatta dumping tasks 2021