We believe that choral music can be a force for good in society. He attended his first REI workshop in 2012. Lyons-Newman Consulting provides strategic planning, facilitation, and organizational development services to support nonprofit organizations to accelerate their impact and achieve their goals. Equal access to opportunity, institutions, and resources by all people to enable them to participate, prosper, and thrive. The organization works almost like a grantor, partnering with the most effective grassroots education, employment, housing, and wellness nonprofits in the Bay Area … The Sunflower Alliance brings together individuals and organizations committed to environmental justice and the health and safety of all Bay Area communities threatened by toxic pollution and climate change. Catalyst Project is a center for political education and movement building based in the San Francisco Bay Area. We are also committed to creating spaces for activists and organizers to come together to develop r… We work toward building an equitable, sustainable www.ellabakercenter.org. The Bay Area Radical Women meet in San Francisco’s Mission district, hosting a variety of events and rallies throughout the city. In a Medium blog posted on Tuesday, Scott expressed her belief that "social structures that … CCDA is committed to social justice initiatives including intentional diversification of its membership and its Board of Directors to more accurately reflect the state it serves. If you are a non-profit or would like to send suggestions for additional listings of Bay Area non-profits with continuing volunteer needs, any related volunteer material and sources would be appreciated. Silicon Valley Community Foundation is committed to amplifying and building the capacity of Black-led Organizations (BLOs) and the voices of their leaders. +14158641278. Visit Website. A non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA, with local, state, and national campaigns to advance racial and economic justice to ensure dignity and opportunity for low-income people and people of color. He retired from … Silicon Valley Democratic Socialists of America. Regional, Bay Area California, USA The education program at Planting Justice activates people impacted by poverty and food injustice to create a more local and sustainable food system. Steven Spielberg is donating his Genesis Prize earnings — and more — to Jewish and non-Jewish groups working to promote racial and economic justice. Bay Area Social Movements. Youth Programs at BAVC supports and trains young media makers in video production, audio production, and design. Craig S. “Pete” Davis is an organizer and trainer with the Racial Equity Institute. Yamuna Hopwood, Communications Manager; 415-274-6760 x319 yhopwood@caasf.org (English); Jin Xia Niu, Chinese Language Media Specialist; 415-274-6760 x313 jniu@caasf.org (English, Mandarin) Many of these movements have changed the world, and the legacy of their leaders continues to impact all of us living in the East Bay … She has primarily worked with adults and families experiencing behavioral health crises, as well as social and environmental injustices such as lack of food, employment and inadequate housing. We, the undersigned organizations, denounce violence against members of Asian American communities in San Francisco, Oakland, and the greater Bay Area. We stand in solidarity with victims, survivors, and families who have suffered loss and pain. Conservation Society of California. This week, Scott made charitable contributions to a huge variety of Bay Area organizations: social justice collectives, healthcare providers, academic institutions and arts groups. By developing skills in ecological design, nutrition education, and multimedia arts, communities use urban gardens to connect with local and international struggles and movements for social justice. In the Bay Area, we pride ourselves on being forward-thinking, leading on issues of civil rights, civil liberties and social justice. Since 2007, Not For Sale has supported nearly 20,000 survivors and at-risk individuals. Bay Area Alliance for Sustainable Development "Convened in March, 1997, the Bay Area Alliance for Sustainable Development is a multi-stakeholder coalition established to develop and implement an action plan that will lead to a more sustainable Bay Area. At the age of 19, she created Freshco—not the grocery store—a 24/7 on-call retail maintenance provider that’s taken over industry. A non-profit organization that train and supervises mentoring programs in the Bay Area and provides direct services to incarcerated and reentry youth. A non-profit organization that uses the law to ensure that low-income children have the resources, support, and opportunities they need for a fair start in life. Outright Action International. All content provided on this website is provided as is. We envision a world where everyday people can intervene in incidences of child sexual abuse in ways that not only meet immediate needs but also prevent future violence and harm. Loud and Queer is a social activist group active in the San Francisco Bay area, dedicated to ending shame in all its forms. Systematic fair treatment by and within governmental, social, cultural, and community institutions that ensure equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Craig “Pete” Davis. Bay Area Community Foundation offers several opportunities for grant funding for your registered 501(c)(3) organization or government entity in Bay and Arenac counties. The Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective (BATJC) is a community group based out of Oakland, CA working to build and support transformative justice responses to child sexual abuse. Racial Justice. All services and facilitations can be provided virtually. Teachers for Social Justice (TSJ) in the Chicago area working toward classrooms and schools that are anti-racist, multicultural / multilingual, and grounded in the experiences of our students. (San Francisco) Survivors International is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing psychological, medical, and social services to survivors of torture living in the Bay Area. Donate. Showing Up for Racial Justice Bay Area – The Bay Area chapter of SURJ is part of a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice. There are over 150 chapters and affiliates nationwide. Learn more Pete joined REI in 2015, after a 26-year career with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD). Not only is the Conservation Society of California the leader in … We are dedicated to building more democracy and representation within our unions and we come together to celebrate our love of music and workers’ culture. There are over 150 chapters and affiliates nationwide . Credit: Bay Street Bull. OCCUR – OCCUR is a community capacity building organization supporting the economic development and civic inclusion of marginalized communities. With staff in six countries, Outright Action International has a global … We offer after school programs, summer programs, and a variety of fellowships for young adults in the Bay Area. SI works with immigrants and refugees from around the world to empower individuals to re-establish healthy and productive lives after their experiences of torture and persecution. We are committed to anti-racist work with mostly white sections of left/radical social movements with the goal of deepening anti-racist commitment in white communities and building multiracial left movements for liberation. 747 Polk Street, Tenderloin, San Francisco, California, 94109, USA. A social change organization, challenging social and economic forces that marginalize people worldwide. Asian American Bar Association of the Greater Bay Area P.O. Forty-four years later, we are JOSHUA is a coalition of faith communities dedicated to building and deepening relationships within and … This group is seeking donations for bail money to … CUAPB also provides educational programs to teach communities about the detriments of police brutality and justice system issues." Global Exchange is “an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice around the world.” This website has the most comprehensive list of lectures, film screenings, and trainings held by social justice organizations all over the Bay Area. Known as the ‘BlueCollar CEO’, Mandy Rennnehan is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and overall badass. Asian Organizations Across the Bay Area Join Forces to Demand Action Against Violence. Asian American Donor Program. A number of national and transnational, progressive social movements have had prominent and influential expression in the San Francisco Bay Area. Donate. SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice), Bay Area chapter, is part of a national network of groups and individuals org ​ anizing white people for racial justice. There are over 150 chapters and affiliates nationwide. Showing Up for Racial Justice Bay Area – The Bay Area chapter of SURJ is part of a national network of … JOSHUA (Justice Organization Sharing Hope United for Action) This grassroots, interfaith social-justice non-profit (501c3) organization focuses work in the Brown County region of Wisconsin. 24-Hour Hotline: 612-874-7867 Donate Here We are a national coalition who believe a good education should teach people to understand and challenge the injustices their communities face. Stanford researchers reveal environmental learning in unexpected places. Social Justice. SURJ Bay Area, based in Alameda County, is part of a national network of groups and individuals org anizing white people for racial justice. Bay Area Labor Heritage Rockin' Solidarity Chorus Based in the San Francisco Bay Area and made up of workers from many unions, as well as students and independent folks who love to sing. Nonprofit dedicated to increasing availability of stem cell donors … From the Black Panthers to the push for marijuana legalization, the San Francisco Bay Area is the birthplace of many progressive political and social movements. Steven Spielberg giving $200,000 to Bay Area-based Jews of Color Initiative. We build mutually empowering alliances with partner organizations that share a common vision to confront global systems of inequality, through channeling funds, mutual learning, networking, capacity building, and outreach. Open In Google Maps. That distinction doesn't roll in with the fog. Ella Baker Center. 501(c)3 non-profit benefitting local Bay area communities N Programs include food justice education, holistic re-entry from prison, permaculture landscaping team, urban farms and training centers. Darbi has decades of experience in Senior Leadership in the SF Bay Area nonprofit sector and has worked for longstanding organizations such as Rubicon and Bay Area Community Services. In San Francisco, their Reinvent program is designed to prepare disconnected youth (18-24) affected by trafficking, exploitation, and related traumas for work in the Bay Area’s To see if you are eligible, please take our eligibility quiz on the bottom of this page. Social Justice Resources. Unconscious bias and structural racism mean that BLOs have less access to capital and capacity strengthening support, a disparity that is only exacerbated by COVID-19. Media Alliance was founded in 1976 by Bay Area media workers who wanted deeper connections with social justice movements and a communications system that worked in the interests of peace, justice and social responsibility.
social justice organizations bay area 2021