Techniques to collect blood on filter paper/Guthrie cards K12. Printed copies, are deemed Uncontrolled from 10:43 on 16/10/2014 Page 8 of 10 15. 5. 4. Specimen Collection: Facts •Phlebotomy is the most commonly performed invasive medical procedure. It is normally a good practice to perform pilot studies to validate new specimen collection methods and protocols (4). 7th Edition safety procedures. Label the collection tubes at the bedside or drawing area. Assess the need for sample recollection and/or rejection. Working quickly, hold the filter paper by the edges and a. Optimal timing. Needle and Syringe Collection Using aseptic technique, attach needle to syringe. • HCT (%) is the hematocrit of the patient. Return the signed and dated Blood Delivery Form to the Blood Bank using hospital mail. Needles and hubs are single use and are disposed of in an appropriate ‘sharps’ container as one unit. ... procedures to be sure that this study is being protected according to regulations and policies. 2. This system consists of a double-pointed needle, an adapter to hold both the needle and the collection tube, and a variety of color-coded evacuated collection tubes. 1. 2. Read these carefully each time a new kit is opened to check for changes in procedures or quality control. The company should specify the type of tube needed for the laboratory procedure to be done. A 20 mL syringe with a 21 gauge needle is recommended but other sizes may be used. POLICIES • All specimens must be labeled with the patient’s first name, last name, and date of birth • Refer to Clinical Operations Policy Number 8.04 for instructions on blood collection by non … Sample collection for blood cultures does not require a discard amount before collection, but other laboratory tests require a discard amount. For repeated blood collection, fluid replacement does not allow for a larger blood volume or more frequent blood collection. Prepare the patient for phlebotomy following your normal protocol, using alcohol to disinfect the collection site. of blood into a discard tube. PURPOSE . the following sections: blood, tissue, urine and saliva. Standards for blood donation (e.g., check hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, weight, and complete patient screening) Blood is a sterile fluid, and a normal, healthy patient does not have bacteria in the blood. Three types of blood samples can be used for diagnostic testing: whole blood, plasma, and serum. Red top tubes, or marble top tubes, are used for blood samples that need to clot and be centrifuged, so that the clear serum can be removed and tested. In case 15 mL a collection is not possible and/or a … 1. However, there should be Select a suitable site for venipuncture. Aspirate the marrow percutaneously using a sterile needle and syringe. 10 Steps for Proper Blood Culture Collection A Blood Culture is one of the most important laboratory tests because it is used to help determine if a patient has bacteremia/septicemia, a life-threatening condition. Materials Blood collection kit: Follow the Venipuncture procedure, PHL- 1 for general venipuncture guidelines. Blood Culture Aseptic Technique: Peripheral Draw (Recommend 2 staff members for this procedure) Step Key Point Reason 1 Gather supplies Saniwipe, 2 face masks, 4 alcohol pads, 2 chloraprep frepps, sterile gloves, 2 transfer devices, 2 10 mL syringes, 21g butterfly, lab bag, 2 Recommended Standard Methods of Blood Collection: Rats NOTES: (cont'd) No more than 1% of the animal’s blood volume in one collection or over a 24 hour period. If fasting whole blood glucose 2. Using clippers, remove the hair from the ear. Equipment for Blood Collection: Human Safety Measures • Discuss human safety measures while discussing the equipment used for blood sampling. As with any procedure, training is critically important. 3. 2.2 Technique for specimen collection (See instruction sheets in addition to the following): 2.2.1 Complete the required information on the blood collection form. INTRODUCTIO: 1.1. A review of literature and search on complications of venepuncture and blood collection. c. Specimen handling. procedures. Transfer 3-5 ml for each: Bacterial culture requests, inoculate into a blood culture bottle - do not send 18 °C) for a maximum of 24 hours. 5. blood collection: routine venipuncture and specimen handling Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. All other items used for the procedure must be disposed of according to proper Aspirate the marrow percutaneously using a sterile needle and syringe. Fluid replacement is not necessary for this terminal While this will not prevent accidents, it … All personnel must have training and proficiency documented. CAUTION: Handle all biologic samples and blood collection “sharps” (lancets, needles, luer adapters, and blood collection Dry sterile gauze pads 4. Lancets are disposed of in an appropriate 'sharps' container as one unit. Collecting and Processing of Specimens A. • Ask for patient permission to perform collection. CLSI Document: Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture; Approved Standard, 6th Edition [CLSI H3-A6] Wayne, PA Objective 8-1a: Demonstrate knowledge of each venipuncture step from the time the test request is received until the specimen is delivered to the lab, and define associated terminology. 4. HemoCue Hb 201 Method and Sample Collection Method IECBE.1 v1 Issue date: 21.08.14 Review date: 21.08.15 7 Inserting the cuvette • Wipe off excess blood on the outside of the microcuvette tip using a tissue. Tie tourniquet. Do not touch other objects. 5.5 After collection, store tube upright at room temperature until centrifugation. Venous whole blood: • Collect blood into a … Web: Email: Telephone: 800-533-1710: International: +1 855-379-3115: Values are valid only on day of printing. Use PPE while handling specimen 2. COLLECTION &PRESERVATION OF BLOOD 2. Describe collection procedures when using a butterfly or syringe and the proper way to safely dispense blood into tubes following a syringe collection. 1. For a 25 g mouse, this is equivalent to 200 µl every 2 weeks. This booklet is intended to be a useful reference tool for physicians, nurses, phlebotomists, laboratory personnel and all other healthcare professionals involved in the blood culture process. • Blood from the fingerstick should flow freely. Minute quantities of blood can be taken from various sites by pricking the skin. WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data WHO guidelines on drawing blood: best practices in phlebotomy. Medical Supplies Occult Blood Kit – Immunological (acquire the specific collection kit from your doctor or “Crossing over” means the transfusion of a donation of blood and/or blood components, originally collected (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006;15 (9):1582–4) blood… SCOPE To ensure proper specimen collection, labeling, and handling. a. Reduced the number of plasma aliquots to a maximum of 2, 1ml tubes 3. No more than 7.5% (0.48 ml/ 100 g BW ) of total blood volume can be collected in a single or multiple draws over a week period. Use one drop of blood to perform a whole blood glucose. Distribute blood equally into Blood collection and preservation 1. Insert the needle into prepared vein and collect 10 to 20 mL blood in syringe. Hemolysis is a common occurrence in blood specimens which may compromise laboratory test results. Hemolysis may be due to specimen collection, processing, or transport. Hemolysis may also be due to pathological conditions, such as immune reactions, infections, medications, toxins and poisons, and therapeutic procedures. blood collection where the tail tip is not removed . Basic hematological procedures such as the complete blood count are frequently conducted to help physicians and veterinarians Blood Collection on Infants 40 Additional Considerations 41 Safety & Infection Control 42 Possible Complications from Phlebotomy 43 Problems Obtaining a Specimen 43 Patient Complications 43 Blood: Samples & Collection 45 Types of Blood Samples 45 Collection Tubes 45 Special Procedures 53 Do not break contact with droplet. Ascertain the subject’s ID, name, date of birth. If the patient hesitates or refuses, place emphasis on the point that the physician has ordered the test and blood collection is needed. Note: Printing off the Consent form and physical measurement results may be delayed until after the venepuncture procedure. Gloves 2. Materials: Blood Gas collection kit (includes anti-coagulated syringe, needle, and stoppers) Ice slurry (small ice chips mixed with cold water) for when the specimen cannot be analyzed immediately. (n.d.). Seal the neck of the sample vials using parafilm 3. 3. This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) describes recommended volumes and frequency for blood collection for commonly used laboratory animal species. 12. 10. Too much squeezing of the finger may cause inaccurate results. 6. FINISH THE PROCEDURE (See the Fingerstick Procedure below). Blood Culture Collection Procedure Principle Detection of organisms in a patient’s blood has diagnostic and progn ostic importance. This procedure is without complications, which sometime can be fatal. DDC strives to establish uniformity and quality in the procedures used in buccal and blood sample collection … The collection of CSF is an invasive procedure and should only be performed by experienced personnel under aseptic conditions. 6.2.1. Venipuncture Procedure Step 1 Label the tube with the patient’s particulars Step 2 Put tourniquet on the patient about c. the procedure requires wiping an area of the skin with rubbing alcohol and puncturing a suitable vein on the inside surface of their elbow with a 21 gauge needle. Materials required for blood collection g Blood collection system: VACUETTE® g Tourniquet g Gloves g Swabs g Disinfectant g Dressing material/sticking plasters g Sharps-proof disposal container Medical staff responsibilities g Making contact g Patient identification g Documentation of special diets and allergies g Explanation and consent provide practical recommendations for routine blood culture procedures offer an illustrated step-by-step guide to best blood culture collection practices. 9. Provide support for patients who are fearful about the results of a specimen examination. Venepuncture is the commonest procedure performed in health care settings. •Send Blood Collection Tubes to the Proper Laboratories: •Appropriately labeled blood collection tubes should be sent to laboratories designated to perform the required testing procedures. 6, Edition 3, Issue date: 12 July 2012 This is a controlled document. Using the Blood Collection set, collect blood into the PAXgene tube using standard venipuncture techniques. Approaching the Patient Correct patient identification Wash hands Have patient recite his/her name Wrist identification – mandatory must match requisition 7beginning the collection process. Protocol Information, Procedures. Large ice cubes in a To decrease stress, acclimate the mice to the restraining device and prevent them Aim: Effective Separation of blood products Purpose: To standardize separating procedures so that research samples will be uniform in quality The decision to collect anticoagulated (plasma, buffy coat, RBC) or coagulated (serum, clot) blood samples must be made prior to collection so that proper blood draw tubes will be used. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Standard Operating Procedure . Insert the needle into prepared vein and collect 10 to 20 mL blood in syringe. A limited number of test procedures can be done on micro blood samples. BLOOD COLLECTION AND SITE ADMINISTRATION . 3.Needlestick injuries – … competency to perform the procedure. 8. This procedure is without complications, which sometime can be fatal. Label the blood collection tube(s). • Place the blood into the cassette within 8 minutes after collection. Mice may be stressed by restraining procedures or by sensing impending danger. RNA samples - Collect blood in 1 PAXgene blood tube. Transfer the rest of the syringe contents into an SST (gold) tube using a transfer device. Procedure Notes & Other Pertinent Information Draw blood collection tubes in the correct order, to avoid cross-contamination of Elimination of the first drop of capillary blood from which the sample was taken - if necessary. Purpose Training 5. Cleanse puncture site with alcohol. effect before collecting the blood sample. Removed 1, 6ml EDTA tube from blood draw. PROCEDURE Blood Collection - Whole Blood, Plasma, Buffy Coat & Serum PREPARED BY GAPPS Staff DATE ADOPTED REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE REVIEWED DATE 1Nov2013 SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO THIS SOP Version 2.0 1. However, the use of alcohol-based preparations for these procedures is increasing because many patients are allergic to povidone–iodine. Note: When using a winged blood collection set for venipuncture and a coagulation tube is the first to be drawn, draw a discard tube first. Recommended patient position during the whole lancing procedure: 3. Web: Email: Telephone: 800-533-1710: International: +1 855-379-3115: Values are valid only on day of printing. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Anesthetize the guinea pig with the selected anesthetic agent prior to sample collection procedures. The best results are obtained when administered 1015 minutes prior to blood - collection. Usually a temporary cannulation is made in the tail vein and used for a few hours. Information on the need to wipe off the first blood drop should be included in the instructions for specific test. 1. Specimens must be obtained in the proper tubes or containers, correctly labeled, and then promptly transported to the laboratory. The acceptable quantity and frequency of blood sampling is determined by the circulating blood volume and the red blood cell (RBC) turnover rate. ... • Blood collection vials • Mini cooler (for transportation of blood samples to the laboratory) PHR FACTSHEET 2019-13 Cell Isolation and Plasma Collection . There are risks associated with routine blood collection, such as discomfort, bruising, minor infection, or bleeding during the procedure. Recognize complications associated with the phlebotomy procedure. Dry sterile gauze pads 4. Shearing A 1 to 1-1/2-inch needle ranging in size from 22gauge to 20- gauge is recommended for blood collection. A lab coat or gown must be worn during blood collection procedures. 2. Venipuncture; Approved Standard—Sixth Edition provides a descriptive, stepwise procedure for the collection of diagnostic blood specimens by venipuncture. Equipment The following are suggested supplies for blood specimen collection. 2. Exsanguination: Approximately half of the total blood volume can be collected Procedure of blood collection. A blood sample is taken by a physician, in a laboratory or hospital and in many cases the blood sample is sent on to analysis. It takes about 5 minutes to take a blood sample. Blood samples are taken in the arm, hand, finger or ear, depending on the analysis to be made. 3 To begin blood collection gently, we generally recommend using the first S-Monovette® with the aspiration method. When collecting blood, care must be given not to exceed volumes that An order must be obtained. 1. Select a vein and release tourniquet. PROCEDURE MANUAL FOR THE i-STAT SYSTEM 3 REV. 2. Place the rat in ventral recumbency once the rat has reached an appropriate level of anesthesia. Version 3.2 1. 7. Image of venous sampling. CAPILLARY BLOOD COLLECTION using LANCING TECHNIQUE.1 11. RODENT BLOOD COLLECTION 2. Recommended patient position during the whole lancing procedure: 9. Blood culture bottle preparation procedures K10. For fatal cases, postmortem whole blood should always be obtained at autopsy. BLOOD COLLECTION AND SITE ADMINISTRATION . A review of literature and search on complications of venepuncture and blood collection. 3. Verify name and date of birth on the label in the presence of the subject before taking the sample to the lab. Vacutainer® Evacuated Blood Collection Tubes (see Venipuncture Technique & Sample Collection section and Prevention of Backflow section). same collection procedures as those specified for newborn infants, except finger-sticks may be used for children six months of age or older – see Section I.A.3. Apply topical anesthetic solution to eye to be sampled as described above (Figure 1). 6.2. Collect sample. specimens by venipuncture to minimize collection errors,9 nurses may be responsible for specimen collection. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Standard Operating Procedure . 1.Bloodletting – standards. 5.5 After collection, store tube upright at room temperature until centrifugation. If gentle persuasion 8. Blood cultures → Light Blue → Red, Gold or Speckled → Green → Lavender → Gray → Yellow ACDC . 1.2. 2 It is recommended to draw a discard tube first when a citrate tube is the first tube needed. A blood sample is taken by a physician, in a laboratory or hospital and in many cases the blood sample is sent on to analysis. Look for … 9-1). Retain the current package insert for reference. Whole blood is collected in Na citrate CPT tubes. Placing the centrifuge tube inside a zip-lock pouch 6. For optimal health, blood draws should be limited to the lower end of the range. The BD Vacutainer ® blood specimen collection portfolio includes products for both capillary and venous blood draw. While this will not prevent accidents, it may reduce the risk of contamination. Blood Specimen Collection and Processing. Both the source and method of blood collection can affect blood parameters. 4. When bacteria multiply at a rate that exc eeds the capacity of the reticuloendothelial system to remove them; b acteremia results. Record the following information on the write-on label of the Na citrate CPT tubes. Describe each step in the venipuncture procedure, list necessary information found on specimen tube labels, and list the acceptable reason s for inability to collect a specimen. Anesthetize the rat with the selected anesthetic agent prior to sample collection procedures. Title: Specimen Collection & Handling Manual, Laboratory Author: 22797 Created Date: 6/5/2014 4:34:49 PM Information on the need to wipe off the first blood drop should be included in the instructions for specific test. Materials needed for Blood Collection: 1. 2.Air dry or wipe dry with gauze. • Volunteer ID number • Time and date of draw . PROCEDURE : Draw a fasting glucose specimen and perform a whole blood glucose from a butterfly/syringe draw. Collection procedures Collection procedures will vary according to specimen type and the niet nded anaylses, but al pl rocedures should be carefully designed and documented. Blood 1. Effective Date: 9/8/2016 Ver: 3.0 Doc #: 44614 Visual Storyboard – Blood Collection Procedure As for all laboratory and biorepository procedures, blood collection, shipment, processing, and storage should be conducted under a strict quality assurance program, including standard operating procedures and regular quality control reviews. Scope: To standardize the venous and arterial blood specimen collection procedures for medical laboratory testing. Increases in blood hormone and glucose levels are directly related to stressful methods of blood collection. CAPILLARY BLOOD COLLECTION using LANCING TECHNIQUE.1 11. Do not draw blood cultures from lines unless there is absolutely no alternative site. 5-2356) or if training is needed on specific blood collection methods and techniques. High levels of lipids cause the serum or plasma to appear milky (cloudy white) or turbid, and the specimen is described as being lipemic (Fig. Verify that red blood cells and plasma components were received within 30 minutes of the dispensed time stamp on the form. The work of obtaining the specimen sample is an essential part of performing the test. 6.2.2. If 15% to 20% of the blood volume is removed, cardiac output and blood pressure will be reduced. - Store samples at room temperature (approx. section of the protocol, select the Committee (IACUC). 2. Page 2 of 4 MC1235-233rev0720 Trace Metals Analysis Specimen Collection and Transport (continued) Venous Whole Blood Collection 1. Nurses should be familiar with the organization’s practice and the state’s nurse practice act regarding venipuncture, blood specimen collection, and delegation. Taking measures to prevent hemolysis can avert the delays in testing and reporting results should the laboratory reject the specimen and request a recollection. c. Procedure 1. To increase the safety of blood collection, these precautions should be followed:Avoid using syringes. Use vacuum tube blood-collection devices instead, preferably those with needle-stick prevention features.Do not use a needle when withdrawing blood from a peripheral intravenous line or from a central venous access device. ...Do not use an exposed needle to inject blood into specimen containers or vacuum tubes. Packaging materials are supplied in the MyCell Blood Donor Collection Kit. needs to be mixed with the blood once it has been drawn. Collection. Blood samples should be centrifuged within two hours of blood collection … Warm the heel with a warm damp cloth or commercially available heel warmer and position the leg lower than the heart to increase venous pressure before collecting the blood spots. Only those personnel assigned blood collection in an approved protocol may perform these procedures. Elimination of the first drop of capillary blood from which the sample was taken - if necessary.
blood collection procedure pdf 2021